Chapter 15 (Le Fin)

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It's days later until Nico is allowed allowed in to see him, but in the mean time everyone who had fallen sick to the plague had recovered. Reyna, who had been the first to fall at Jupiter, came to see Nico and they spent the day talking and laughing and crying about the shit going on right now. But the weeks still felt long and they had been rough. Nico had hardly slept, he had stopped showing up for meals and no one saw him anymore. It was worrying everyone, Hazel had visited and he had refused to let her in.
After a few days of locking himself away, he decided to stay with his father in the underworld. It wasn't a good idea to shadow travel, not since he had been starving himself and was exhausted. But he did it anyway, to get away from the constant worry of the people back at camp.

"Nico, son," Hades said, while they were sitting in the thrown room, deciding were people would spend eternity.
"Yes father?" Nico relied, sound bored and numb
"How is William?" Nico looked up at his fathers question, and their eyes caught
"I wouldn't know, they won't let me see him." Nico looked away again
"Persephone and I have sensed a decline in your recent mood, and we think it would be best to send you to a boarding school for you to focus on your studies." Nico's head whipped up and he began to protest
"Just hear me out!" Hades yelled, interrupting Nico's rant "I will need you to continue being my Ambassador when you have grown up. That not only takes demigod strength and skill, but you will also be a business man. You will have to be able to work like a normal office worker!"
"FATHER! You can't be serious!" Nico stands and yells
"I am, and if you will not go willingly I will take you there myself and cut off your powers. Not even Jules Albert will be able to help you!" Hades retaliates
"YOU CANT DO THIS! GODS YOU ARE SOO UNFAIR! HAZEL DOESNT HAVE TO GO TO BOARDING SCHOOL!" Nico is about to storm out but hades moves his hand and the door closes him in
"FATHER!" Nico cries but the god simply shakes his head
"We need to discuss this," Nico sighs and huffs his way to his thrown "The school I have selected is a very expensive one, on England-"
"Then deal with the consequences son!" Hades, stares curtly at his son
"But daddy! It's not fair!" Nico falls to his knees and sulks. Hades sits with him and puts an arm round the boy
"I just think you need some time to figure out who you are and who you want to be, with out the distraction if Will Solace or any of your other friends!" Hades rubs Nico's arm and Nico just nods
"Can I go and say goodbye?" Hades nods and Nico disappears into smoke.

"You shouldn't do that, you know." Nico is startled by the familiar voice, as he lands in Wills room in the infirmary
"Yeah, I know." Nico walks over to the bed and drops his arms at his side, looking down at his boyfriend in the hospital bed. Will reaches put to touch Nico's fingers but his hand simply brushed right through them, making Will inhale sharply
"Will, I have bad news-" Nico begins
"What aside from the fact that your disappearing into shadows again, have become anorexic and are on the verge of dying?" Will asks, siting up on his elbows
"Yes, aside from that." Nico's says irritated. "This is serious Will!"
"Yeah, so is your health! I'm checking you in as soon as we finish here..." Will continues to think out loud
"NO YOU WONT!" Nico snaps and Will stares at him, grabbing Nico's hand
"What is it?" Will asks and Nico takes a deep breath and looks straight ahead, not at Will.
"My father is sending me to a boarding school in England." Will immediately jumps out of bed and starts pacing.
"No, no, NO!" Will yells the last one and Nico goes to hug him, "after everything, after it all.... This isn't how it was meant to be!" Will cries into Nico's shoulder and then screams and Nico holds him tighter. Finally Will asks "how much time have you got?" And Nico smiles
"Tonight." And will starts to kiss him, with intent. They move backwards to the bed and Nico's but hits the edge. He pulls away for breath, but will continues on his neck, probably leaving hickies which will spell out 'he's mine!'.
"Will, your sick.... Are you sure you can...." Nico's breath quickens as Will takes off his own shirt and begins taking off Nico's with his teeth.
"I know I'm sick, but I'm not that sick!" Will smiles and Nico just moans into Wills shoulder.

They lie on their sided facing each other, naked, touching in most areas. The bed is small and Wills arms are round Nico's torso.
"I can feel your ribs again" Will whispered
"I can feel your penis." Will looks up at the sky light and laughs.
"I'm gonna miss you, Nico. Fuck, I'm gonna miss all of this and all of you!" Will leans how's and kissed Nico's lips and He kisses back, Nico's hands creep into Wills curly, thick hair and ruffles it into his eyes, before pulling away and falling into a fit of laugher.
"Oh, this is funny?" Will asks, smiling at the sound of Nico's laugh "is that how you want to play, huh?" Will pushes Nico into the mattress and rolls on top of him, straddling Nico's groin.
"Will!" Nico almost whines but Will continues to move his head down below the covers. Nico starts feeling a little uncomfortable as Wills lips roll over the are just before his pubic hair, "Uhm... will.... I Think i can h-hear someone coming" but just them will stops just on Nico's lower belly and blows a huge raspberry
"Will, is Nico-" Katy walks in and is greeted by the scene of two naked boys in bed with each other and one is under the covers.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!?" She yells closing the door begin her
"Fuck!" Will says, as he grabs some underwear and pulls it on, under the blanket.
"Katy, I can explain.... He was just saying goodbye and well it turned into something more and I swear I was only blowing on his stomach-" that's when Katy starts to laugh hysterically and Nico joins in.
"What?" Will asks, looking at them "what is it?" And Katy just points at wills crotch, he looks down and realises he is wearing a pair of black boxer that are about three sizes to small for him
"Your wearing his underwear!" and will just laughs with them.
Once they all gather their wits again Katy promises to stand guard and let them change and then escort Nico back to his cabin and then make sure he gets to the underworld okay. Will puts on the right underwear and then his patient clothes. Nico grabs wills hoodie and the grey shirt and the black slacks, which his father had bought for him. He pulled on the blazer and held the hoodie.
"Oh Nico!" Will embraced him and silent tears ran down his cheeks and Nico pulled away first
"Now I know what your like so you can mess around with girls and shit, but if you dare cheat on me with another guy and I will be furious! Understood?" And will nods.
"Same goes for you!" And they both hold their pinkies together and link them.
"I love you, sunshine!" Will whispered as he leans forward and touches their foreheads together.
"Gods I'm going to miss you like crazy!" Will whispered closing his eyes and surrendering to the tears
"I've fallen in love with you everyday, every morning I woke next to you, during every fight and whenever you put work before me, because I am so absolutely and utterly in adoration of you with every breath you make" Nico presented and wills tears streamed
"Don't leave." Will cries "just do this for me-" sobs came from him but Nicos fists were clenched and his eyes tightly shut
"I love you, Will Solace" Nico uttered before pulling way and leaving the room. That was it, that was the goodbye. As he stepped around the door, he nodded at Kate and she nodded back.

They walked most of the way in silence before Katy asked the inevitable question
"Are you even legal?" And Nico just stares at her and said of course he was
"I'm just asking because you look about 13 or 14 and Will is 18. So technically your relationship could be constituted as rape..."
"Katy!" Nico sighed and she stopped.
"Did Will take your virginity?"
"No." Nico exhaled, not sure wether to share or not "A man I met at the lotus hotel."
"Because he told Bianca he would get us out if we managed to satisfy him. But he didn't want Bianca, said she was to old. So she told me to let him do anything to me and I told her I was scared and she said she knew I was and I cried. I cried the whole way through and then the next day when she found me alone in the bedroom, he had gone and we never saw him again." We are standing outside my cabin and I can see tears I her eye and my tone sounds bored but inside, I'm reliving the fear I had back then.
"Does Will know?" She asks, I shake my head "does he think he took your virginity?" I nod and as I'm about to push through the door, she pulls me into a hug
"Gods your so fucking damaged and brave and utterly amazing!" I nod and enter my cabin and shut her out, and the rest of the camp out.
I'm leaving.

Authors Note
I must tell you that I have absolutely loved writing this book for you guys and had no idea that it would get this kind of attention! So thank you so so so much.

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