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Do you like or like, like me?
Tell me what you really feel


Around 9am, Sakusa woke up. He walked out of his room and saw that Komori's dooe was closed. Sakusa thought that he still might be sleeping. Sakusa didn't bothered to check the room and went to the bathroom instead.

As he got into the bathroom, he saw a sticky note from Komori. Sakusa got paranoid that Komori was the first one to use the bathroom. Sakusa doesn't like it when he's not the first one to use the bathroom. He said he doesn't like anyone's germs on him.

"I'm going out for a bit to get groceries and probably something else. Don't worry, I cleaned the whole entire bathroom all over again after I was done. It didn't take long, so don't worry about it. Also, thank you for treating us yesterday, even if you were uncomfortable to go out. You did well yesterday. Now, brush your teeth. Your breath stinks." - Komori

Sakusa sarcastically laughed at the note and put it on the side. He did smell the scent of Mr. Muscle from the bathroom. Sakusa was surprised that Komori would do such thing, Sakusa then proceeded to do his morning routine.

After doing so, he went to the kitchen to make himself breakfast. He blasted music that helps him to stay calm and feel more peaceful. What he played was "Oh My God You Are Fine" by Blue Rainboots. As the song was playing, he thought of Y/L/N.

Sakusa thought that the song perfectly describes Y/L/N. He chuckled to himself as he recalled what events happened yesterday. Sakusa was done cooking and prepared the table. He sat down and started to eat his meal. Tomorrow's another working day, he sighed and continued to eat.

"I should probably clean my room after this." Sakusa said to himself.

The song was done playing and he shuffled through his playlist. The song was called "Like or Like Like" by Miniature Tigers. As Sakusa was almost done eating his breakfast, a line from the song made him think about Y/L/N again.

"Do you like or like, like me? Tell me what you really feel."

Sakusa stopped eating and got lost in his own thoughts. He never liked someone, as in like, like someone. Sakusa was afraid of scaring the person he'll share his future with because of his phobia. Sakusa thought that whoever it is, he'll just end up hurting them and he doesn't want that to happen.

Sakusa wasn't sure whether he wholeheartedly does like Y/L/N or he just likes the attention Y/L/N gives him. Sakusa doesn't want his hopes go up too high because he thought that Y/L/N wouldn't feel the same. Sakusa stood up and washed the utensils and other kitchenware he used.

"Do I?" Sakusa whispered to himself.

As he was done washing the dishes, he went over to his room to clean before Komori comes back. He turned on the lights and started to fold his carpet before vaccuming the floor. He thought that if he will vaccum the floor rather than sweeping it, the germs and other unwated particles will quickly vanish from his room.

The song was done playing and here comes another song. 'Love Girl' by Cannibal Kids. Another lyric made Sakusa think of Y/L/N.

"My love girl, my love's for you, my heart's for you."

Sakusa was done vaccuming the floor and was wiping his desk when he heard that lyric. He stopped wiping his desk and looked over to a note that was piled up with books. He didn't knew who gave it to him or if ever someone did. Sakusa slowly opened it the note and read it.

"I like your tracksuit today. It brings out your eyes. Have a nice day! - Y/L/N."

Sakusa was surprised to see that the note he's holding was from Y/L/N. How did it got here? He thought. As he was done cleaning his room, he went out to get the mop and still baffled by what Y/L/N wrote him. He turned off his music and heard a knock from the door.

"Coming!" Sakusa said and gently dropped the mop to head over to the door.

As he opened the door, it was an unexpected guest. It was the Miya twins. Sakusa stepped back from the twins and Atsumu knew what was going on.

"It's okay, get your mask." Atsumu said.

Sakusa quickly went to his room to get his mask. As he got his mask, he went to the front door and saw that it was closed. Maybe, Atsumu closed it, Sakusa thought. Sakusa opened the door and saw the Miya twins waiting. To his surprise, Komori got back early as well. He opened the door widely and let them all in.

"Hey! It's been a while you guys, how are you?" Atsumu asked.

"Great!" Komori said.

Sakusa and Osami bowed to greet each other without saying a word. Atsumu and Osamu are totally polar opposites unless Osamu's provoked by his brother.

"How are you? What brings you here?" Komori asked and gestured them to sit on the couch.

"Well, we were wondering if you guys would like to go out with us for a lunch-ner." Atsumu said.

"What's a lunch-ner?" Sakusa asked.

"It's lunch and dinner, sorry. He thinks it's unfair to have a brunch, but not have lunch and dinner shortened." Osamu said and Komori tried his best not to laugh at Atsumu's dumb idea.

"I see." Sakusa replied.

"So are you guys down?" Atsumu asked.

"Sure, just give us a moment." Komori said and Sakusa immediately pulled him to the side.

"Komori-san." Sakusa called out.

"Yeah?" Komori asked.

"How would you know if someone likes you?" Sakusa asked. Komori looked at him in shock.

"Huh?" Komori asked.

"You know what I said." Sakusa huffed.

"Well, if they show interest in you." Komori vaguely answered.

"That's too broad, be more specific." Sakusa said.

"Well, in my experience, one time a girl liked me and I knew she did because she kept giving me notes and snacks. In a way, it's cute for me." Komori said.

"Someone actually did that to you?" Sakusa sarcastically asked and earned a gentle yet heavy smack from the back of his head.

"Yeah, so what?" Komori asked and saw that Sakusa drifted away from reality again.

Sakusa remembered what Y/L/N gave him without him knowing he received a note from Y/L/N. Sakusa trailed off with his own thoughts again.

"Oi, what happened? Is Sakusa okay?" Atsumu asked.

"Yeah, he's just lost in his thoughts." Komori said and assisted Sakusa towards his room to change his clothes.

When he heard the door closed, Sakusa snapped back to reality. He took out the note from his pocket and read it one more time. Sakusa still isn't sure whether Y/L/N does like him or not. He's still skeptical unless some miracle happen and Y/L/N confesses to him or vice versa.

Sakusa grabbed his box from the top of his dresser and placed the note inside so no one would see it. He hid the box in his dresser for extra safe keeping. From that moment on and forward, Sakusa has his mind on one thing and that is Y/L/N. He wants to be 120% sure that he does loke Y/L/N for the person Y/L/N is and not only because he likes the attention.

"I'll be sure to make a decision in no time." Sakusa whispered to himself and got dressed up for the 'lunch-ner' like what Atsumu said.

~ ~ ~
- Hi! This is a bit shorter than usual, sorry. No need to worry, the next chapters will be longer. Thank you for reading and stay safe!

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