(Part 5/ First Kill)

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(October 13, 1999)
Jeff had slowly began to lose his mind as he was suspended or was it expelled?  Oh well it didn't even fucking matter to him anyways but he was one of either of those thing from school simply because he had did something that would put a normal average student at Columbine high there on edge.
Another kid there named Luca Greyburg had started to slowly piss Jeff off and it didn't go the right way as excepted with Luca Greyburg and well you'll see here this happened during a lesson in chemistry where Jeff was given a small beaker of Hydrofluoric Acid and well Jeff wasn't tolerating Luca and his presence being around Jeff especially since had begun to hear voices in his head to telling Jeff to "hurt" him.
Luca: "Hey gothic ghost dick, heard your mom was being a fucking dirty stripper whore last night!!!"
Jeff said nothing to be expected.
Luca: "Hey! Fuck dick are fucking retarded or deaf???"
Jeff: "No, just sick of your BULLSHIT!!!"
Jeff had shouted the last bit angerly at Luca as Jeff had grabbed the small beaker of Hydrofluoric Acid that was given to him and had smashed the beaker on the left of Luca's face permnantly disfiguring him as Jeff had breathed heavily and had laughed at the sight of Luca's pain and agony as Luca had screamed on the floor in great pain as the feeling of the acidification of the Hydrofluoric Acid melted and burned the flesh on the left of Luca's face.

Luca was then later sent to the hospital for his facial burns, and as for Jeff he was yet like to be said he was expelled for what he had done to Luca.
Jeff's parents was pissed mostly his father who kept on beating Jeff repeatedly calling him a "sadistic retard" and with that Jeff had enough of his father's beatings and had stood up and with all of his of his arm strength he raised a fist and delivered blow after blow after blow after blow after blow to Jeff's father beating him unconscious giving his own father a major concussion to the brain.
Jeff had then later went off and stormed into his room locking the door and had sat on his bed for a good 30 minutes and had angrier and angrier by the minute as he then gotten up from his bed and had began to trash his room destroying everything in line of sight with a aluminium bat that he kept at his bedside and was interrupted by a knock on his bedroom door it was his mother.
And she was pissed off!!!

(October 20, 1999)
Jeff was walking his way home, and ran into one of the members of the Smilers gang had confronted Jeff at knife point as Jeff stood there unphased by the masked figure, he was concentrated on the gang members large bowie knife as the Smiler had spoken threatening words about what he would do to a man like him but Jeff however had punched the Smiler in his masked face and Jeff grabbed the Smilers knife and had ran off with it as the Smiler had chased after him and lost him as he screamed into the night air that he will pay for what he has gotten himself into.
Jeff had waited until nightfall and went on back home and without any thought he stormed up into his room.

(November 1, 1999)
Jeff had been walking in the woods for a good while now wearing his grey hoodie and dark blue jeans, he had on a black leather trench coat as well and he picked up a big long blunt stick a tree branch of sorts and had ran and hid behind a large thick tree and had a black cloth mask covering his nose, mouth, and neck as he had seen Joshua for the first time in weeks he had "apologized" to Joshua for he did and he told him that he had something to show him in the woods Joshua had stupidly followed and was then greeted by a crippling whack to both of Joshua's knees and Joshua had took a great big fall and fell flat onto his face  and had heard Jeff speak in a maniacal tone as he beat Joshua to death in the head killing him off from existence as Jeff had whacked Joshua in the head over and over and over and over until Joshua's body had became still and blood poured out of a impacted wound in his head.
Later then Jeff had dropped the branch and had went back home and pretended like nothing had happened.

Left For Dead: The Real Story of Jeff The Killer!!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon