Chapter 28

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All she ever wanted was unpredictable kisses and unforgettable laughter.

  –Brandon Villasenor.

“Ladies I know we have today another etiquette lesson, but this is important news and I want you girls to work together because next week the King of France is coming and we want to give them a beautiful welcome...” “I will put you on groups and design to each group an assignment, first I will name the girls of the groups and then each group can choose an envelope that will tell to you the assignment. “Hope I will be with Daphne, Etta and Kira.

“Did you understand? I know maybe it sounds easy but you have to learn to have a responsibility, each group will have four members. “We now and I realize that some group will have three members... Hope isn´t mine because one of my friend will be out.

“Lady Hope, Milla, Lucy and Margaret will be together, please take an envelope…”Lady Rosita...with Lady Laurie, Emily and Sasha, please as the other group take an envelope. “They nod and they take it.

“Lady Christie, Jewel, Lily and Etta please take an envelope. Etta look at me with a sad smile, maybe be in another group isn´t bad but with lily….

“Well at last I realize that we have a group with three, so if you need any help you can call me anytime, well Alice, Kira and Daphne take the last envelope...” I opened exited and the best that we can have the food, isn´t too bad but every time I went to France I eat the food I like I´m scary to try new things I don´t know is like it will taste bad or will be to spicy...

“Hey girls! Good and bad news, well I think are bad but we can try, we have the food and Etta as you already saw is with Lily.”

“The food? “Kira ask worried.

“Yup and I don´t know anything about French food, I went many times but I didn´t try any of the traditional French food.

“Me neither. “Kira and Daphne say.

“Maybe if we ask to Austin, he can help us. “Kira say.


“Oh, another thing the winner group will have a date with a date with the Prince. “More excitant news every girl want to win this.

“Excuse me? The date will be shred or  ...” Lily ask to Chantelle.

“It won´t Lady Lily, thanks for ask  because when I ask if all of us understood you say yes and later came with three millions question at once, well I will let you start working. “Oh yes, ´thanks for  ask ‘neither is a question for all of us is just for her own so she will think if she has to effort doing something or paint her nails awhile the others are doing something.

“Okay girls, what we are going to to do?”

“Uhmm, come let´s get out of here, and ask to him before someone ask for his help.” Kira say looking to Lily.

“Sure, you say he will help us?” I ask, I know he will.

“With asking you don´t lose anything. “Daphne say.

“Okay go to your room and bring some paper and a pen so we can write ideas about it.”

“Sure, I will call my maid to tell the prince some girls request him.”

“Okay.” They say at the same time and we go to our rooms.


“Hello? “He opened the door.”

“Hello, thanks for coming.”

“For you anytime.” I chuckles.

“Well actually I didn’t call you to have a date just for help us, about the visit of the King of France? Sound familiar about also with a date included.”

“Oh that, Chantelle tell me and I add a present.”

“That transform all the sheep on wolves.”

“Well you have experience being a wolf, so maybe you have to teach the other how to behave.”

“Very funny.” I glared at him.

“Why you are always serious? You don´t smile anymore.”

“Because I’m not happy right now.”

“Why? Maybe one of my kisses can take out a smile on your face. “He don´t understand I really miss them but they are not his problems. He try to kiss me and Etta open the door and I pull him away.

“Hello Austin. “Kira says waving his hair.

“So you tell him? “Daphne say. Austin look at me confusing; maybe he really though I call him to have a date.

“Tell me what?”

“Well Chantelle give us an assignment to decide the plates that are going to serve next week.”

“But we don´t have idea what they like or what is the traditional food in France.” Kira say.

“Neither I. “I we see him with the face you are kidding right?

“Just kidding, you must see your faces. “He laugh.

“We will kill you for this. “Kira says.

“So can you help us?”

“Sure, I was thinking and for the principal plate we can serve Ratatouille, soup but not a normal soup it´s called Quiche Lorraine id like a tart but it have butter and cheese better you can go to the kitchen and tell the cooker to do it and try all the plates so Chantelle don´t be suspicious that you are done that fast with any help.” He look at the window.”Cod Accras.”

“What?” we three say at the same time.

“Oh, is like a sandwich kind of is delicious, just write down. “Hum this is a soup I think you will like it, his name is Soupe à L’oignon, S-o-u...” “I know how to write it I try it once it taste good.” I say.

“And for the dessert we can put some fruit, Mocha Pots de Crème is delicious is a chocolate dessert, my favorite ladies.” He whisk them. “Let me see a not too heavy dessert with fruit Meringue Box with Amaretto Cream and Fruit.”

“I went to a restaurant on France one I try it and is very sweet, is heavenly. Kira say and Austin smiles. “And how to not forget Crème brûlée.”

“Ladies if you excuse us I have some business to attend. “He go near to the door and open it suddenly.

“Have a nice afternoon, hope you enjoy trying the food.”

“Well, that was easy. “We three laugh.

“With royal help is always easy.”

“I want to see the face of lily, when she know we already have the food. “Kira say.

“Who don’t? “Daphne say.

“Ladies, I think we have a date with the kitchen today?” I say laughing. I thought it was going to be hard reading books about traditional food, but you only just have to ask to the one that like traditional food of France.

 Hey sorry for not updated sooni wanted to thanks to all you guys 4k views thanks!!! do you mind cheking my another story i called Book lovers :) have a nice day and weekend!! :)  xoxo Max

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