Y4•+*..Quidditch World Cup 1994..

Start from the beginning

"See you," said Ron brightly to the Dursley's. He cried "The Burrow" and vanished.

"Go on, Y/N." said Mr. Weasley.

Y/N walked into the flames. "See you," she said smiling at the Dursely's bitterly and sending Aunt Petunia a dangerous glare. "The Burrow!"

She began to spin very fast and then after a few seconds of spinning Y/N came to a halt.

She toppled out of the fireplace, grinning. She looked at Fred and George who had similar smirks on there faces.

"I love you both," said Y/N.

Fred and George grinned proudly.

Y/N was still standing near the fireplace before Harry appeared, he toppled out of it and grabbed Y/N's shoulder for support, instead dragging her down with him.


Harry opened his eyes shaking dust off his hair and looked down at Y/N, who was blushing furiously. Harry blushed scarlet and quickly got up, he extended a hand to help her up and muttered "sorry,"

Y/N took his hand and got up, "its alright.."

"Lovebirds," Ron rolled his eyes. Y/N shot him a look.

Harry put his hands together awkwardly. He looked at Y/N's face. "Er — Y/N?"

"Hm?" said Y/N, staring at him.

"You have a bit of dust on your cheek," said Harry, using his own cheek to demonstrate where.

"Oh!" said Y/N, looking embarrassed. "She used her sleeve to wipe her cheek. "There?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah,"

Fred, George and Ron raised their eyebrows and sniggered.

"Well? Did he eat it?" Fred interrupted excitedly.

"Yeah," said Harry, sliding into a seat. "What was it?"

"Ton-tongue Toffee," said George. "Me and Fred invented them and been waiting to test them out on someone all summer!"

The kitchen exploded with laughter. Harry looked at two red heads he has never seen before but had a clear idea who they were.

Y/N smiled as he shook hands with Bill and Charlie, looking awkward and nervous.

"Hey," said Y/N frowning. "Where's —"

The person she was looking appeared out of the fireplace looking furious.

"That wasn't funny, Fred!" he shouted. "What on earth did you give that Muggle boy?"

"I didn't give him anything!" said Fred, grinning. "I just dropped it...it was his fault he went and ate it, I never told him to."

"You dropped it on purpose!" roared Mr. Weasley, turning red. "You knew he'd eat it, you knew he was on a diet-!"

"How big did his tongue get?" said George eagerly.

"It was four feet before his parents let me shrink it!"

The kitchen roared with laughter.

"It isn't funny!" Mr. Weasley shouted. "Now all of you get ready for breakfast!"

And he marched off.

Suddenly Hermione walked in, looking concerned. "What happ— Harry!"

Before Harry could react, Hermione had wrapped her arms around him.

"Blimey Hermione.." said Harry once she let go. Y/N chuckled.

"Oh, how're you?? Are you ready? Hey, what happened with your aunt and uncle?" she asked hurriedly.

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