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Hazel didn't know how much time they spent in what she now call the In Between Worlds space/dimension.

Death, whom she had decided to call Killian had kept his word and taught her more than what she learned at Hogwarts and her grimores combined. Not only had he taught her different magics and rituals, but also languages and customs, along with what she needed to know about the new world she was heading into.

"The world we are heading to is very different from the one you left behind. The mortal world is very much advanced in technology, more so than the magicals could ever dream of. Magic users exist, but you will be the only one of your kind there. There are no other wand users or magicals born with a magical core. They use artifacts as conduits to preform magic."

Hazel wasn't very much bothered by this. It just means she would have to be careful. Reason why she had mastered wandless and wordless magic during their time in the In Between Worlds. Not only that, she was also taught martial arts to a degree. Hazel decided to find someone to teach her more, due to Killian not being able to teach her that at a deeper level.

Hazel had realized that while she was immortal and would not grow old, her body did mature and she started to look healthier and taller. Killian had also told her she could change her appearance to look as young or as old as she wanted to look or be.

They had just finished a lesson on rituals and history when a portal started to open up. Both Killian and Hazel waited for it to be open completely before walking through it.


Flying high above the skyscrapers, a masked vigilante was doing his nightly patrols of the city. Searching for any sort of trouble, which should be simple seeing as Neo-Gotham had crime happening every second of every night.

He was almost done patrolling this area when;

"McGinnis, there's a strange energy signal coming just east of your location."

"Strange energy signal? Just how strange are we talking about?"

"Whatever it is, I've never encountered it before. I suggest keeping your distance until we're sure its safe to investigate."

"Got it." With that, Batman started to make his way towards were the signal was strongest. While heading over, Batman's mind started to wander towards a week or so ago.

As Terry McGinnis, the pressure of being Batman and the dangers that came along with it, had decided to finish his relationship with Dana after she had accused him of 'cheating' on her. She hadn't been expecting that and demanded to know the reasons as to why he was breaking up with her if he wasn't cheating on her, but Terry could only tell her "it's not you, it's me" excuse and had walked away.

Needles to say the next day at school, most of his class had found out about the breakup and were giving him looks that went from confusion to anger. He had given a strong effort in ignoring their comments and looks, but what hurt him the most was the fact Dana seemed to already be moving on.


"Huh, what?"

"You've almost reach the location. Whatever you're thinking about will have to wait."

'Easy for you to say old man.' "I'm on it." He descends closer to the are and lands on an edge, activating his camouflage before approaching. "I'm here, but I don't see anything."

"The signal died a few moments ago. See if you can pick up anything with the scanner."

Terry makes his way down and takes out a scanner of sorts and activated it as he walked around. "Getting anything?"

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