Chapter Seven ~ Caught out

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I got out of the shower and sat on my bed in my towel, thinking of what happened earlier. It had been a few hours since Ms Venable left me in the music room, and I missed her touch already. She made me feel like no one else ever did and I wanted more than anything for her to open up and just be honest about her feelings towards me, whatever they were. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door followed by Gallant's voice.
"(Y/n) it's me and Coco, let us in darling" he shouted through the door. The three of us had become really close in the last few days and I thought of them as my good friends. I went over to the door and let them in. I'd asked Gallant earlier if he would do my hair tonight and Coco said we could all get ready for dinner together, so I was expecting them.

"So (y/n) what are you wearing tonight? Want me to pick you an outfit?" Coco asked, hers eyes lighting up at the thought of choosing for me.
"Sure Coco go pick me something nice" I replied, nodding my head towards the wardrobe for her to rummage through. She went to have a look and I sat in my desk chair so that Gallant could get started on my hair.
"What do you want me to do with it, (y/n)?" He asked.
"Um I'm not sure, surprise me" I said, giving him a wink. He responded with a big grin and started brushing my locks. After a few minutes Coco came over with a beautiful plum coloured dress in her hand. It was a halter neck satin gown that flowed down to the floor, but it was still tight fitted which I loved. She brought a pair of matching heels that had little diamonds on them, they were stunning.
"Oh Coco, that's beautiful" I said to her while she placed the gown on the bed.
"You will look insane in this (y/n), I can't wait for you to put it on!" She squealed happily. She did have a good fashion sense, I'll give her that.

Coco started putting her dress on; a lilac ball gown, tight around the torso and flowy from the waist down. I could tell something was on her mind as she was changing so I asked what's wrong.
"What's up Coco? You seem caught up on something" I said.
"Oh, um - it's nothing, don't worry" she replied as I saw Gallant give her a weird look.
"Gallant! Oh my goodness you two are hiding something from me!" I said to them both, my mouth open acting like I was super annoyed. I was only playing around but then Gallant responded.
"Actually, (y/n), I think it's you who's hiding something from us" he said with his eyebrows raised, while he was using the curling iron to give me big bouncy curls in my hair.
"What are you talking about?" I said, slightly concerned now. They both gave each other another look before Coco turned to me and started explaining.
"We were walking past the music room earlier on and - um well, we may have heard some, um, noises" she said, looking down at the floor.
"What do you mean" I replied. I knew exactly what she meant. They knew.
"(Y/n) we heard you moaning. And screaming. Loudly. A certain someone's name." Gallant said with a smirk on his face.
"And then we saw Ms Venable walk out of the music room" Coco added.

"Shit, um - I didn't think I was being that loud" I said with my head in my hands. "I - you guys can't tell anyone, please" I begged "No one can know, Ms Venable will never speak to me again, please promise me you won't say anything?" Gallant brushed his fingers through my hair.
"Hunny, your secrets safe with us. We just were NOT expecting you and Venny!!! I mean, she's insane darling." He said raising his eyebrows. Coco walked over to the mirror and put on some lipstick.
"I just don't understand why she makes all these rules if she isn't even going to follow them herself." She said, pouting in the mirror.
"I need to talk to her. She's sending me mixed messages and I just want to know how she really feels. Both of the times we've... you know, it's been her punishing me." I explained. It felt good to talk to them about her and get someone else's advice. I wanted nothing more than to be with Ms Venable, I just needed to figure out how to approach her.

"I agree - you definitely need to speak to her. I don't know maybe try taking control? From what we heard earlier on it didn't really sound like you had any." Gallant said with a smirk on his face.
"Gallant's right. But I'm hungry. And we're nearly late. So get this dress on (y/n) and let's go." Coco demanded. Gallant was done with my hair and it looked beautiful. He had pinned the front pieces back in a half up - half down style and my hair was filled with bouncy curls. I changed into my gown and watched both of their jaws drop as I did a twirl to show them.
"(Y/n), you really do look so beautiful" Gallant said, Coco nodding in agreement. We were just about to leave when there was a knock at the door followed by the sound of Ms Venable's voice.
"(Y/n), are you decent?" She asked from the other side of the door.
"Um, Yes Ms Venable, come in" I said, shooting Gallant and Coco a look. She opened the door and jumped a little when she saw them, obviously she was only expecting to see me in my room. When she set her gaze on me her eyes lit up and her mouth opened slightly, as she looked me up and down. I started to see a small smirk form on her lips but then her expression changed as if she was putting her harsh persona back on in front of them.
"You will meet me in my room after dinner." She instructed. "Come at 8:30, and do not be late." With that she closed the door abruptly and I heard her cane as she made her way to the dining room. Coco and Gallant gave each other a look with wide eyes and then turned to me, huge grins on their faces.
"Oh - my - god!!!!! She is so obviously into you!!!" Coco squealed. I put my finger up to my mouth signalling for her to shut up, smiling. I didn't know if Ms Venable could still hear.
"You will meet me in my room for dinner, don't be late" Gallant teased, mocking Ms Venable. I just shook my head laughing and grabbed their arms as we left and made our way to the dining room.

Once we had sat down and started eating I turned to Timothy and Emily to see how they were getting on. We started speaking as we ate, about how they knew each other before the explosion and were brought here together. It was nice to speak to them as I hadn't really gotten the chance to until now.
"Emily lived a few doors down from me and we used to go to school together" Timothy said, explaining their history. All of a sudden I felt a hand on my thigh. I glanced at Ms Venable who was staring at her food. Her hand travelled up slightly higher and she squeezed, which started to turn me on. Emily and Timothy had gone back to talking between themselves so no one realised what she was doing. After what happened at breakfast, though, I didn't want to say a word in case I made her angry again. So I sat in silence and watched her as she ate. She moved her hand higher and brushed her fingers against my centre, causing me to take a deep breath from the sensation. We both knew we couldn't do this here.

"The things I would do to you right now if I could, (y/n)" she whispered under her breath so that only I could hear. The only place I wanted to be right then was in her room with her. I felt her pull her hand away from my thigh, so I took my hand to meet hers under the table. I placed her hand back on my thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze, reassuring her. I knew that the feelings I had for her were growing. I was scared to admit it to myself, but I felt myself falling in love with her.

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