All The Love In The World Part 2

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You guys should know what this chapter will be about 😏 ....

Brian's P.O.V

Right now I am getting dressed in my outfit for Trent and I's wedding today. I am so nervous and I don't know what will happen. I just hope that everything will be great today. Then I started to head to the front of the church. Even though I am an anti-Christ I will still respect this church for today since I don't want to ruin the wedding or the wedding tradition. Then I heard the wedding music play and I saw Trent walking to me with his dad by his side. Trent looked really handsome in a suit. But he looks hotter in leather. Then we did our vows. " Will you Micheal Trent Reznor take Brian Warner as your husband?" The priest said. " I do." Trent said. " Do you Brian Warner take Micheal Trent Reznor as your husband?" The priest said. " I do." I said. Then after the priest did his magic Trent and I started kissing. But nothing like we usually do since we are in a church. Then when we walked out of the church to go to our limo there I saw a girl calling someone while looking at us. Uh oh. This can't be good. Then a lot of reporters started coming. So much for a f***** private wedding. " Leave you f******* b*****!" I yelled. But they ignored me and the reporters started coming to us. But then the security came and started leading them away and breaking their cameras. Karma b******! Then Trent and I ran in the limo and I glared at that fan. Then we started heading to our wedding party. "That was so f***** close." Trent said. " That f****** fan ruined it." I said. Then we arrived and secretly went in. When we came in I saw Robin, Danny, Chris, Twiggy, Pogo, and Daisy. ( If I forgot the names of some of the band members for Marilyn Manson I am sorry. I am not of a fan of his music at all so don't hate me for being obsessed with Nine Inch Nails and not Marilyn Manson. It is just my opinion) Then Robin came towards us. " Congratulations guys! Now let's really celebrate." Robin said. " No drugs." I said. " No drugs I promise." Robin said. Then Trent and I both got some beer and we started drinking. " Oh this taste so f***** good! Too bad we only have it on special occasions." Trent said. " Well we don't want to kill each other so it is for our own good." I said. Then I started enjoying my beer. Man I really miss beer. I would like to go high, wait what?! What am I thinking?? Then I heard twist and shout from the Beatles playing. " Let's dance!" Trent said. Then we both went to the dance floor and Robin and Twiggy followed. Then we all started dancing funky and crazy to the song. I sang along and so did Trent. Robin was playing the air guitar lol. Then after the song I heard Trent and I's wedding song start to play. The song we chose was Love is Blindness from U2.

(Pretend you can't hear the crowd.) after the song

Then when the song finished Trent and I kissed for a passionate moment and then we went back to our seats. " Hey Trent. You up for adopting kids soon?" I asked. " Yeah. If you are ok with having kids." Trent said. " Of course! I always wanted a son." I said. " We can have two boys and two girls." Trent said. " Yes!" I said. " Woah you guys are talking about having kids already??" Robin asked. I could tell that he is starting to get drunk. " Well yeah! We are married now." I said. " Ok. Are you sure you aren't intersexual Trent. You know so you guys can have a kid with your DNA and not someone else's." Robin said. " Uh I never went to the doctor to check but I could check. Last time I checked I have a dick." Trent said. " How about you Brian?" Robin asked. " I have a dick too. Also I have to take cold showers for heat so there is your answer." I said. Ugh I hate cold showers. " Really? I never had to take cold showers." Trent said. " Wait a minute. Are you intersexual Trent??" I asked. " Uhh...maybe?" Trent said. " Let's have kids with our DNA then!" I said. " Uh Brian I was joking." Trent said. " You know what I will take you to the doctor to see if you are or not." I said. " Alright then. If I am then we could have kids with our DNA. If I am not then we are adopting kids. But I was just joking anyways I am not intersexual." Trent said. " Well the doctor will confirm that." I said. Then it was awkward for a bit. Then I heard a danceable song playing. " Come on guys! Dance!" Robin said. He sounds really drunk. Then he pulled both of us to the dance floor and more people came to join us and dance like crazy. Then after the song I saw Twiggy and Robin kissing. They really like showing off don't they.

A Few Hours Later...

Trent's P.O.V

Brian is taking me to a doctor to see if I am intersexual. Even though I am not! But of course now he thinks that there is a chance that I might be. " We are here Trent." Brian said. I just got out of the limo and started walking towards the doctors office. Luckily we brought extra clothes or else we would have walked in with our wedding clothes on. Brian and I are now waiting in the waiting area. " So if I am intersexual we can have actual kids." I said. " Yup. I am just trying to see if there is a chance before we adopt any kids." Brian said. I started rubbing his hand in comfort. I would have kissed his cheek but we are in public. I don't want us to get caught. I want my life to be private. Then a nurse came. " Micheal Trent Reznor?" She called. Then I got up and started following her to the room. Then Brian and I entered. Stay here while you guys are waiting for Dr. Kolpinski to come in." She said. The doctor must be polish. Then the doctor came in. " Alright. I need you to take off your pants and underwear." He said. " Why?" I asked. " To see if your intersexual or not. I am just doing my job." He said. " Fine" I said.Then I started taking off my pants and underwear. I saw Brian glaring at the doctor. Then the doctor was looking at my private parts and he looked a bit shocked. " You are intersexual." He said. " Wait what??" I said. " Yes. You have a vagina and a penis. And you have a uterus but I am not sure if you have testicles. You are more female than male with your reproduction system but you look like a male." The doctor said. " Wait a minute. So you are saying that I was a girl this whole time?!??" I said. " Yes. Would you like me to take off your penis and completely turn you into a woman?" The doctor asked. " Uh no thanks. I like the way I am." I said. " Thanks doc." Brian said. " Of course." He said. Then I pulled up my pants and Brian and I went out. " Now I know which hole to go for now." Brian smirked. I started blushing a lot. " But we will save that for our honeymoon fun." I said. Then Brian kissed my cheek. " Alright, I will wait for our honeymoon." He smirked. Then we arrived at our house and Brian and I put on our PJ shorts and cuddled each other to sleep.

And that is it for this chapter!! Sorry for the slow update 😞 I didn't have much time. But I will do my best and try to go on watt pad as much as possible! Bye! For now.

I Was Like You ( Trent Reznor x Marylin Manson 90s )Where stories live. Discover now