Part 1

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She’d done that thing she heard other people sometimes did but had never done herself (and had never really believed it when other people said they had): she’d been so into her book she’d missed her subway stop – along with the next five subway stops – and was now the only passenger getting off the train at the end of the line.  For a moment she stood on the platform as if waiting for an announcement, some god-voiced instructions as to what she should do next.  Instead, the train eased backwards out of the station and left her there in silence.

It had been a horror novel.  “Not really my kind of thing,” she told her friends at work when they asked about it, her tone suggesting she was a highbrow indulging in a bit of slumming when in fact she avoided scary stories because they got under her skin in ways her usual selections never did.  They frightened her.  Just as the one she’d been reading on the train did.  Just as she was frightened now.

Time to return to the surface.  The lights and traffic and line of waiting cabs to take her home.  The real world.

She took three steps toward the nearest EXIT sign.

That’s when she heard the howling...

**Complete the story! Just tag your story ending #killerthrillercontest and make sure it is no longer than 2,000 words.  Submit by March 15, 2015  11:59 EST.  Good luck!**

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2015 ⏰

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