'Uppercut, dodge, juggle, one-two,' Gray thought as he played calmly.

"Wait, Gray. Wait, wait, wait!"

'Upper again, link, shield cancel, link cancel, rage uppercut,'

"Gah! Hechihai on random is broken, man! W-Wait? Oh no! Oh no!"

'Double EWGF, one-two, knee, bottom swipe. Right, N, Down, Diagonal Down-Right, RK...Finisher, Electric Wind God Fist,'

"This is no fair, Gray!" Stephen cried in defeat. "Hechihai's combos are just too much! Also, you know all the moves. So what's the point of random anyway? How do you know all the combos too!?"

Gray held up a thick manual. "I read this and memorized it all,"

"You psycho! You think the game manual is a school textbook too!?"

"Even I think that's a bit much, Gray Bear," Dara sweat-dropped. 'Why is the Takkan 7 manual as thick as a textbook anyway?' "But Fen Fox, that's not cheating. You could always read the manual too to make it fair,"

"No normal person would want to read that entire thing willingly!" Stephen shouted and thrusted the controller at him. "I want to see you win against him!"

"Okay," Dara grabbed the control and chose a random character.

Dara still lost to Gray, but at least he lasted much longer than Stephen. "So, what should we order? Chinese?"

"Yeah," Stephen nodded, upset that he was the worst player out of the trio.


"Hey Gray, Dara!" Stephen held up a giant mattress pin. "Check this out. Ta da, it's a pin for mattress sheets I snagged. Just clip this on and the pants don't drop even without a belt,"

"That's silly," Gray commented.

"Just get a belt like a normal person or pants that actually fit," Dara shrugged. "Belts make for a good weapon. They're long range and can be used as a whip. The metal buckle can draw blood,"

"You're so violent!" Stephen said.

"Stephen," Gray asked. "What are you trying to do? You donated all your prize money and got all kinds of support form the district program. I just don't understand. What are you gaining out of all this?"

"It makes everyone happy and that makes me happy," Stephen claimed. "So I guess it's some kind of self-satisfaction? Whatever it is though, Gray, I can tell you all about it. For some reason, I feel like you're the one who could understand me, all of me, for who I am,"

"And you lovebirds forgot that I'm also here," Dara stood up and began to leave. 'Seriously, that sounds like a love confession to Gray Bear,'



"I guess you'll be competing in the upcoming olympiad?" Stephen asked.

"Well, if nothing else comes up," Gray answered. "Why aren't you two signing up?"

"There's no prize money," Stephen replied.

"I get stressed enough over normal classwork," Dara pointed out. "I can never get second place in class. What makes you think I can place in the olympiad? You know, you're lucky you're in the middle school division. If you were in the high school division, my brother would beat you,"

"Your brother?" Gray inquired. "What's he like?"

"He's really smart and really strong," Dara described. "He's done so much for me and honestly, sometimes I think I'm just a burden to him. Ever since we were kids and ran away from home, he's always made sure that I ate before him, even if there was only enough food for one person. He'd always protect me from other street urchins,"

"You live on the streets?" Stephen questioned with concern.

"Not anymore," Dara quickly told them. "We now live with my brother's friend and his parents. They're really nice," 'I've accidentally revealed too much. I don't want anyone to worry,'

Stephen noticed a student sitting all alone. "Let's sit over there," Stephen suggested and they approached the lonely student. "Why do you always sit alone? Let's eat together,"

'I don't know why, but this guy is giving me bad vibes,'

So...I kind of have a problem with having too many stories...For this one, I have the entire Byuksan Arc Pre-Written.

Hey, at least I didn't write that horrible time travel story that's always in my head.

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