Hello Lord

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Saturday came and Harry woke early in order to sneak away from his friends-turned-stalkers. The illusion last week had worked fairly well, but he didn't want to risk people getting suspicious. Which why he decided to be completely honest for once, leaving a note on his pillow. "Gone to have tea with Voldemort, be back later." They were such blind idiots they wouldn't believe it for a second. With the aid of the invisibility cloak, he snuck his way to the castle gates before apparating away to his club, where Lucius had agreed to meet.

Lucius and Severus walked behind their Lord down the familiar alley towards to meeting point. Both were on high alert, not liking how open the area was in the day. Very quickly, they rushed through the ward and were let in to the club, which looked different when empty. They stepped through the open floor, to the small wooden door behind the bar that the doorman had directed them to. They entered, the door closing behind them with a loud bang. It was a small room, with a dark cherry wood bookcase and desk. A leather chair stood behind the desk, turned away from them so they could only detect a man's presence when he spoke. "Welcome to  Demuer Des Ombres, dark lord."

Harry honestly hadn't planned to be all dramatic, but he'd turned to place a file on the bookcase as they'd entered, and the scenario had presented itself. Honestly the whole situation was hilarious in an insane, dangerous way. He, Harry Potter, was meeting up with his supposed enemy, the dark lord, as Evans Noir, the richest and most powerful wizard in Britain. The only thing he was missing was an ominous accent and a cat.

Voldemort frowned at the disrespect of this man. He dates address him in such a way, and refuses to face him. He was still a Dark Lord, he deserved respect. "I believe we came here for a meeting with Noir Evans, not to be insulted. He heard the man sigh, as three chairs appeared across from the desk, he and his second and third in command taking a seat. "Well technically yes, I suppose you did. The figure leant forward in his seat, slightly illuminated by the sunlight. He had a sharp jaw, and thick black hair which covered the rest of his face. His robe was a deep black, lined in dark blue, with deep red features. He couldn't place the house colours, and began to wonder exactly what kind of Lord this man was.

Stifling a laugh, Harry leant forward to adjust the metal shield displayed on a shelf, a small precaution for when things went sour. Smirking, he spun in his chair to finally face Lord Voldemort and two death eaters. He grinned outright at the shock on their faces, and leant back in his chair, hand by the wand strapped under the desk. Yes, he was an idiot for doing this, but at least he was a clever idiot. "Lord Voldemort, lovely to see you again. Lord Malfoy, Professor." He nodded at each of them, snorting at the outrage on Snape's face. "I did always wonder what you got up to on the weekends professor, other than skulking the dungeons and scaring children. I guess now I know!" His words seemed to snap Voldemort out of his shock, and a bright green spell was flung at him.

Voldemort couldn't believe it. Harry Potter was right here, within his grasp. Pretending to be someone called Noir Evans. Millions of questions began to pop up in his head, but there was no time for that. The boy would die now. He shot the killing curse directly at him, determined to finish this. He vaguely acknowledged that Lucius and Severus had stepped back, and he lowered his wand with a successful smirk on his face. With Potter out of the way, the dark could rise, and return magic to all it's glory.

Harry ducked under the glowing green light, grabbing his wand as he rolled under the desk. The spell bounced off of the specially charged shield. It was true that no spell could block or cancel the killing curse. But he could use the druids protection shield to reflect it. Peering over the desk, he transfigured an apple into a pig, catching the spell before it came back to him. A charred apple core landed next to him, and he smiled at the frustrated growl that came from Voldemort. He stood, braver than he should be, waving at the dark lord. "C'mon, I thought you wanted to have a chat. Why do all our conversations end like this?" He hastily blocked the disarming spell, vaulting over the desk and firing one back. "I guess you don't feel like talking then." Shrugging, he ducked under yet another spell, frowning. Okay, no more playing nice.

This was not going as well as he'd originally thought. Potter did seem to be more talented than their last entanglement. But he was the Golden Boy, and that limited his abilities. As he thought this, a cruciatus zoomed past his head, hitting Lucius so fiercely that the man fell to the floor screaming. He was shocked, but had no time to react as a blood boiling curse cork-screwed directly towards his chest. He ducked out of the way before returning fire, blocked once again.

Harry laughed wildly as they exchanged spells and curses in rapid fire, surprised when he actually managed to catch Voldemort in a leg lock. He used the opportunity to cast a spell at the unsuspecting Snape, who promptly became a small black bat, flying around the room and screeching. He giggled, watching the creature flap around. Unfortunately this distracted him long enough for Voldemort to disarm him, and he watched dismayed as his wand soared across the room into the man's hands. "Shit."

Voldemort smirked, waving his own wand to relieve Lucius of the cruciatus and Severus from the transfiguration. Both men crashed to the floor in a pained heap, one bruised and the other bloodied. "Well, well, well. Harry Potter. You've grown up." The boy sighed, waving his hand and righting the room before re-taking his seat. So the boy could do wandless magic. "Do you not hear yourself when you say stuff like that. Kind of creepy, and not in the evil Dark Lord way." Voldemort narrowed his eyes at him, before looking down at the two wands in his hands. Something felt similar... "They have the same core." Harry nodded, seemingly unconcerned with the fact Voldemort had his wand, cheeks puffed out as he spun in his chair. "Yup. Ollivander said they were twins. Fawkes only gave two feathers, and of course we got them. Dumbledore probably thought that was funny or something." He frowned, Potter was not acting how he'd expected. "Before I kill you..." He scoffed interrupting and Voldemort glared. The infuriating boy only sniggered as Lucius and Severus pulled themselves up onto the chairs. "You have some explaining to do." The boy only raised an eyebrow, not understanding. "You go by the name of Noir Evans, you own half of Diagon Alley and almost all of Knockturn Alley, have alliances with dark creatures, and those spells were very dark."

Harry couldn't help but laugh. Voldemort had really thought that Harry would go down that easy, and now he wanted an explanation. "Oh that's very you, shoot first ask questions later. Probably why you don't have a lot of info on Dumbles. You know, maybe you'd do better if you didn't kill everyone in an insane rage." He rolled his eyes when Voldemort growled at him in response. "Oh c'mon, you have to admit you were a little unstable. Just a bit. You're doing a lot better now, I have to admit. You did seem different at the graveyard."

Voldemort nodded, admittedly he couldn't argue with that. "You were quite different too." Harry nodded, leaning his head back to stare at the ceiling as he resumed spinning. "Well by that point I'd started reading some slightly darker material, so I recognised the ritual for what is was. You weren't gonna be up to top strength, and I couldn't really be bothered to fight you, so I just left." The boy had just.....left. He stared at the boy, he was missing something here. Surely.

Harry noticed the deeply confused state and laughed, spinning one final time before stopping and leaning forward on the desk. "Thing is, I get bored easily. Especially with the light, everything they do is bland and easy, with all their rules and rubbish. So I stopped paying attention and got into trouble instead. Although that was your and Dumbledore's fault more than anything. I'm second year I found the chamber, thanks to darling Lucy." Voldemort glared at Lucius, clearly informed of the whole diary incident. The blonde whimpered, clearly subdued by the cruciatus earlier. "In fourth year, everyone was ignoring me and I had literally nothing to do except focus on the tournament. So I ended up in the Chamber reading all those books. Which happened to have been really dark!" He followed with a short laugh, because it was kind of funny when you thought about it. "Anyway, one thing led to another, I managed to take up all my Lordships and inheritance early and ended up running a criminal empire. Which does actually entertain me. I haven't been bored in a while!"

All three of the dark wizards stared at Harry Potter, who was a bit....... different. Snape leant forward, squinting at the curly haired bespectacled boy. "Have you gone insane Potter?" The boy only grinned, leaning back on the desk, which he'd apparantely decided would be more comfortable than the chair. "Probably."

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