The power of idiots

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Lucius was stressed. That was to say, he had a million things on his plate, and a tea saucer for a plate. His Lord had returned, taking over his manor, with Narcissa's  insane sister, who liked to torture him mentally and physically at any given opportunity. On top of that the ministry was looking for a reason to take him in, and he had to look after his son, in case his Lord went insane again. Overall, Lucius Malfoy was a nervous wreck.

As a Slytherin, and as a Malfoy, this was simply unacceptable. Therefore the only option was too fix this mess! Draco had seemed to impress the dark lord with suggesting the club as a neutral meeting point. Now Lucius only needed to find a way to provide access to Noir Evans, and a way to get the ministry off his back. Unfortunately, he had to deal with some idiot auror that kept loosing evidence required by the minister.  He marched through the aurors booths, searching for the idiot. He was nowhere to be found. "Shacklebolt! Where's Jefferson?" The head auror looked shocked at his arrival before hastily directing him to the evidence locker. He spelled the door open, hastily walking in to a surprising scene. The half-blood auror was burning auditing letters of a business that was evidently under investigation, whilst simultaneously shoving magical objects of value into a bag.

Lucius laughed, slamming the door behind him. "Well, well, well. What do we have here? A corrupt little auror?" The man turned, despair falling across his haggard features. He quickly dropped the bag, hastily stepping away from the incriminating scene. "I swear, it's not what it looks like!" The blonde grinned, his mind already findings ways to benefit from this. He assumed the man was just mislabelling things, but stealing and destroying evidence. The man would lose his job for this. "And what does it look like? That you're working for a business with well known dark investments, and stealing for them?" He shook his head furiously in response! "Please, no I swear it's not! Look the business belongs to my father, if he loses it, Lord Evans will kill him! I need to repay our debts! Please I'll do anything, just don't tell anyone!" Immediately he zeroed in on the man. Lord Evans. Perhaps this could be a way. "What could you possibly offer me?" He could see the cogs turning as Jefferson scrambled for something.

"Umm- ummmm. I can help you! You're being investigated by the aurors right?" Lucius raised an eyebrow, that hadn't been what he was after, but he gestured for the man to go on. "They've planned a raid on your manor, I've heard if they don't find anything, they'll plant evidence. I've been placed on the squad. I swear on my magic, if you don't tell anyone, I'll make sure the raid fails!" Lucius frowned, this had really been kept under wraps, he'd had no idea this was happening. He'd have to warn his darker colleagues of this. It was a perfectly fair deal, and Lucius almost felt bad for pushing further. But he was a Slytherin and a Death Eater, what could you expect? "That sounds like a very good reason to cease my own investigation into missing evidence." Jefferson heaved out a sigh of relief, and Malfoy stifled a smirk. "However I require more to keep my mouth shut about your misendevours." Relief was replaced with despair, and Lucius still waited. "What else could I possibly give you?" He paused, as if considering, before placing his final demand. "You're going to get me a meeting with this Lord Evans."

Harry hadn't had the best weekend. He'd hoped to spend Saturday tending to business and finishing his homework, leaving Sunday to rest. Of course fucking Dumbledore couldn't possibly allow that to happen. Hermione and Ron had been breathing down his neck every second, insisting on playing chess or trying to 'talk'. Then at night, when he'd sneak away, Dumbledore dragged him up to his office, showing him random memories about Voldemort. He knew the old man was trying to hint at something, but of course wouldn't tell Harry until the very last minute. And all of that meant he hadn't gotten any work done on Saturday. So now here he was, sitting at a desk all day hoping to get things done before Monday. It had taken a very tricky illusion spell to convince people he was still being seen around Hogwarts. Paperwork and meetings were interspersed with homework and studying. To be fair, the studying was at least extremely dark magic. Realistically he needn't study much for school anymore. Mastering dark magic had furthered his abilities in leaps and bounds.

Something interesting had happened today though, in one of his meetings. It was the Jefferson family's last chance to pay back their debt to him for their shop, and he was surprised when the son could actually pay up. More surprising however had been the man's news that Lucius Malfoy hard requested a meeting with him. Or specifically, a meeting with Lord Noir Evans. And it wasn't actually that surprising either. He'd been expecting Voldemort to approach him ever since the meeting in his club. There were more and more death eater attacks in the papers with each week. The dark were busy, and he knew they were recruiting. A vast majority of his clientele were now working for the maniac. In fact Harry was starting to feel like the only person around that hadn't chosen a side. Which is why he hadn't immediately accepted or denied Malfoys request. He'd released Jefferson with a letter to give the blonde, stating he would send further correspondence to confirm or deny a meeting. As Harry Potter, he should have immediately said no. Honestly as Noir Evans he should say no too. He was dark in magic, but neutral in politics. He couldn't pick a side. So why did a small part of him want to say yes. Want to face the Dark Lord again, to be near that magic again. It felt so familiar, and so deliciously dark. He could understand why so many dark wizards were drawn to the man. That seductive power. It was difficult to deny. Of course he wouldn't agree to a meeting. Not at all. He wasn't that dumb.

Lord Noir Evans had agreed to a meeting. Lucius rushed through the halls to the dining room, where his family and the Dark Lord were seated. A week ago he'd given His Lord the letter from Noir Evans, that the man was considering a meeting. It wasn't a lot, and in the old war, he'd be tortured for failure. However his Lord did seem to be more lenient now. It was also the most anyone had gotten about the man. Every death eater tasked with finding information on Lord Evans came back with the same thing. He did not exist. Every lead had come up dead, every legilimens or imperius had been met with a protection charm stronger than they could break. All they knew was that he was a powerful man, with powerful allies. He opened the doors, everyone in the room turning to watch him as he carefully walked up to the Dark Lord, handing him the letter.

Voldemort grinned. Evans had agreed. They would be meeting this Saturday at the Demuer Des Ombres. "Very good Lucius, you have done well!" The Malfoy Lord puffed his chest in pride, and Tom resisted rolling his eyes. The Malfoy pride was so very strong. "You and Severus shall join me." Bellatrix screeched in fury, and Tom cursed her. He'd run out if patience for Bella, who'd become even crueler since her stint in Azkaban. He supposed he'd have liked that in the last war, but now he had more of his mind, he could see her for what she was. Insane. "Enough Bellatrix, you are in no state for politics." He stood from his seat, ready to retire to the study and draw out his proposal for Lord Evans. For some reason, he had a feeling this man would be a powerful, smart ally, key to the war.

Harry ducked from the shoe thrown at his head, hoping to escape from an extremely angry Hermione. Apparently no hadn't been the right answer. She'd insisted they continued with Dumbledore's army now that Umbridge was dead. Which Harry had no involvement in. Not at all. There was no way he'd imperiused one of the centaurs to trample her to death. After all, Harry Potter would never! He'd been reluctant to start the club in the first place, not wanting to get on Dumbledore's bad side. Now the war was coming up. He was busy with his business dealings and didn't want to take sides, as much as the wizarding world expected him to. Though honestly fighting Voldemort didn't seem to be much of an option. That bastard really hated him.

After about an hour of arguing, he finally escaped up to his dorm, breathing a sigh of relief as he got in bed. A small part of him couldn't wait until the war was over, so Harry Potter could disappear and Noir Evans would finally be fucking left alone! Okay so maybe Harry was starting to go a little stir crazy. It was okay. He was probably going to die on Saturday anyway.

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