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I watched you through your window
I was wearing that dumb sweatshirt


"Are you insane? I'm not going there!" Sakusa said as he walked away to go back to his shared apartment with Komori Motoya.

"Why not? There's literally 10 people in there." Komori said and tried to catch up with Sakusa who furiously walked away.

"Okay, What am I supposed to do with that?" Sakusa asked and stopped walking to face Komori.

"You said, a few days ago that you wanted to hangout with the twins. We are going to hangout with them." Komori said and pointed at the house they're supposed to go.

"Yeah, only with the twins. I didn't say with other people." Sakusa said and pleading not to go.

"C'mon, just for two hours besides we're already here." Komori said.

"One hour." Sakusa replied.

"An hour and a half." Komori said and earned a death glare from Sakusa.

"50." Sakusa said.

"55." Komori said.

"50." Sakusa said as he was adjusting his pastel green sweater.

"Fine, 50 it is." Komori sighed.

"They better have wipes there or else." Sakusa said and walked towards Komori.

"Of course they do. Didn't they gave you 12 packs of wipes for your birhday?" Komori laughed.

"Yeah and you forgot about their christmas present." Sakusa replied.

"Dude, they gave you 5 bottles of Lysol." Komori stopped laughing and looked at Sakusa.

"Well, it was worth it." Sakusa said and raised his hands up as defense.

Komori rolled his eyes and knocked on the door. To both of their surprise it was neither of the twins that opened and greeted them at the door. Komori was shocked and Sakusa was staring at the other guest the twins invited.

"Oh, is there somehing on my face?" The guest asked.

"No! No! We just thought one of twins will greet us. It's not that we're complaining or anything." Komori explained.

"Ah, no worries. It's cool. Also, the twins are arguing at the backyard. You can check if you want." The door was opened and it revealed 7 other people. The twins are included.

It was that orange haired kid, Sakusa thought. He forgot the kid's name, but he saw Kageyama with the orange haired kid. Sakusa looked at Komori who went straight to the backyard to see if the twins are still in one piece.

"I told you, I saw it first!" Atsumu yelled.

"Huh? That's not true! I did." Osamu yelled back at him.

Both of them were yelling at each other because of an ice cream. Komori looked at Sakusa who's already unamused and walked to the kitchen where there are less people.

"Komori-san." Sakusa called him out.

"Yeah?" Komori asked.

"Who's that oranged haired kid again?" Sakusa asked and looked at where that kid was standing.

"Ah, that's Hinata Shoyo." Komori replied.

"Oh, now I remember." Sakusa said and continued to walk to the kitchen.

"How could you forget?" Komori asked.

"How couldn't I?" Sakusa replied.

They both sat in front of each other waiting for one of the twins to acknowledge their presence since it seems like no one really paid attention to them the whole time they're in the house. Sakusa kept looking for something that eventually caught Komori's attention who was eating pizza.

"Dude, what's up? You look like an owl." Komori said.

"Nothing, why?" Sakusa said not paying attention and still kept looking for something.

"The wipes are behind you." Komori replied and kept eating.

Sakusa looked behind him and took the wipes. He wiped his hands first and wiped the countertop with the used wipe. It wasn't sticky or anything, Sakusa just wanted to clean it before he put his hands on thr counter.

"Oh hey! I didn't know you guys were here." Atsumu said.

"Yeah, you two were busy fighting over an ice cream." Komori said and chuckled.

"How'd you force him to come here?" Astumu said and looked at Sakusa.

"Komori said we'll be here for 50 minutes and we have 43 minutes left." Sakusa replied.

"Damn, okay. What do you guys need?" Atsumu asked.

"We're doing good. Also, who are your other guests anyway?" Komori asked.

"Well, I'm glad you asked. Over there on the couch we have, Kageyama and Hinata. Moving on, we have Suna and next to him is our lovely leader, Kita. At the backyard, we have Bokuto and his friend Akaashi. Lastly, we have Y/L/N and my annoying brother plotting how to murder me in my sleep." Astumu said.

Sakusa looked at where Osamu and Y/L/N are sitting. Both of them were laughing at a phone, the phone was held by Y/L/N. Sakusa got curious as to who Y/L/N is, he hasn't seen Y/L/N before or even Atsumu's little get together.

"They must be laughing over the video I sent." Suna whispered behind Atsumu and got startled by Suna's presence.

"What did you sent them?" Atsumu asked.

"It's the one where you slipped at the cafeteria in school." Kita said and Komori choked on his water.

"This is what you get." Sakusa said and stood up to go to the bathroom.

Y/L/N looked over at Atsumu trying to blackmail Suna into telling him wnat the video was, Osamu walked over to them to stop his brother. Unfortunately, the twins argued again. Y/L/N laughed and saw the cute curly haired boy who was wearing a mask the whole time they got in the house.

"Curly boy." Y/L/N whispered.

~ ~ ~
- Hi! That was very chaotic, wasn't it? Apologies, it will get more chaotic. Thank you for taking the time to read my book. Stay safe!

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