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I was just another day at the pool until i heard water being splashed and screaming i figured it was the sandlot boys because they didnt come here alot but when they did it was a horror show so i didnt mind them cuz i had to work i was at cash register person so i fill people orders then the boys came up and they just stared at me like i had 3 heads but i just Ignored the stares and got what they asked for but one person that spoke to me was benny 'the jet' Rodriguez we was a whole snack as girls would say but i liked all the boys at one point the funniest one was yeah-yeah because of his eyes they were beautiful like perfect and i would always tell him that and he got creeped out because of my werid obsession with his eyes until i met benny in 6th grade he took my breath away and i tryed to talk to him but his life is about baseball and i respect that like my passion is swimming so i get that but they tryed to talk to me while i was working but i told them after my shift is over and it was gonna be 15 minutes until i get off so they waited in the break room and with that i got off and they walked me home they were pretty cool especially benny he and i had alot of stuff in common but he didnt care about girls he loved baseball and the boys so he didnt have time to like girls or date them so i asked them if they wanted to stay the night and all of them said yes or yeahyeah so they got there stuff and headed to my house wendy should be getting back anytime soon thats right im wendy younger sister she is the one who got me the job but the boys didnt know that until she walked in the door they are start to crowd her even benny i was shooked not because of the pizza but her beauty i have to admit she was gorgeous and squints had it the worst he even tried the kiss her but i got them into my room and grabbed some pizza but they were asking me about how i knew wendy or is she like anyone but i pushed them away and gave them the pizza and when into bathroom to change into pjs and we watched a movie while everyone slowly started to unpack their sleeping bags and almost everyone fell asleep besides me and benny we talked for hours while slowly he started to lean in and so did i until our lips touched and then slowly we pulled away and he said if i wanted to be his girl which i said yes and we fell asleep cuddling and it was around 11pm and benny wanted to should me something but it was late so we snuck out through my window and he showed me the sandlot it was pretty cool for a beat up baseball field so after we got back i asked my dad if he would take me to the city and he asked why so i wanted to suprise benny by help the sandlot by cleaning it up so we woke up early like 5:30 early and got paint, paint brushes,nails, wood, sand, fertilizer, and some strong bags and used up most of my money and it was 6:24am and got back around 6:40am and we went to the sandlot first fixed it up and then painted and filled up the bags with sand and put the rest of the sand on the dirt so i made like the line on the feild and painted the 2 coat which dried quickly since it got hot fast and a few minutes later we applied the 3 coat and dried and added the final coat and left since it was around 7:30ish so we went to the cafe' and got some food for everyone and went back to the house and ate it was 8am and benny woke up and ate then his mom woke up ate and went to work but since this was the last week of school we went together but parted when we got there i just when to my 1st class and it was boring until i was walking until someone grabbed my shoulder it was a boy he was blonde and had a baseball Jersey and he was ok looking but not the best but he asked if i was new and i just nodded then he asked me out but i denied him and then he tried to kiss me but i push him away a twisted his arm behind him and told himt back off and i said no and let go off him when something touched my butt thats when i turned back and punched him and walked and by the time the was a huge crowd so i pushed passed them and walked to 2 period and i saw benny and waved and he did to then turned back to the boys and i sat down 2 seats away from them and then when people saw me they started to whisper and i just rolled my eyes when i looked at my knuckle and i was bleeding and bruised and i just asked benny if he had a napkin and asked why so i showed him my knuckle and his eyes went wide asked what happened but i couldnt tell him since the teacher came in and started to teach while i sat down (skip til after class) benny came up to me amd asked what happened then then Phillips walked passed with a black eye and bruised amd then he knew and chuckled and i just smiled and walked to 3 period (skip to the end of school cause im lazy) after school i went home and got my stuuf and left for work

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