[S4] Only One Can Remain Pt. 2

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"Nice work Cole. Maybe Zane's not on the island but in it." Kai said. We heard these grunts nearby and Lloyd told the others, "Quiet. Do you hear that?" We all turned towards the sound and Jay pointed to light coming from above. "Oh, secret peepholes. Haha! Super cool," Jay said as he began climbing the wall to the peepholes. "Sounds like someone is fighting on the other side of this wall," Jay says as he looks through the peepholes. "What do you see? Who's fighting?" Cole asks. "It's not a fight," Jay answers. "It's Skylor's room. And it looks like she's training." At the mention of Skylor Kai extinguishes his fire and joins Jay near the peepholes. "Let me see, let me see!"

"Ah, looks like Kai's got the hots for her." Cole said teasingly. Kai turned to Cole, "No she's the competition. I just wanna know what powers we're up against," "If you wanted to know that you would have let her tell you on the balcony," I say to Kai. He scoffs and tries to look through a peephole pushing Jay out of the way. "Ugh, wait your turn." Jay complains to Kai. "We can at least share," he retorts. "This is an invasion of privacy," Lloyd tells his friends. "He's right, just talk to her later Kai, don't stalk her." I say to him. Kai turns to me. "I'm not stalking her!" Kai says as he turns back to the peepholes. I roll my eyes at this. "Ugh her room doesn't reveal anything about her power," he says then Jay and Kai gasp and turn to each other. "What is it? What did you see?" Cole asks excitedly. "She's...Fire..." he says solemnly. "Wait a minute, " Lloyd says, "If we're all descendants of Elemental Masters..." Cole then began to dance and tauntly sing, "Kai's heart is on fire," repeatedly.

I look to Kai and in an effort to try and console him say, "We don't know that for sure." He and Jay jump down and Kai just says "Can we please just get moving?" We continued to walk as Kai lit the way. "It's like a maze down here," he said. "Good thing you are leaving a trail back to our room," Kai says to Cole. "I'm what?" Cole asks as he looks back and sees a trail of shell peas from his snacking. "Oh, yeah, I meant to do that," He says confidently. I scoff and he punches me in the shoulder and I give one back causing us both to chuckle. We walk down further until Lloyd stops Kai yelling, "Everyone stop!" Lloyd then leans down and we see a wire, "Booby traps," he says. Jay laughs, "Booby traps. Even cooler. Haha." Lloyd gives him a look. "Or, I mean, kinda cool. I mean, they're not cool, you know, 'cause they're dangerous." Jay says. "From here on out, we have to watch our step," Lloyd warns.

There is some chanting coming and Kai asks, "Do you hear that? Everyone be quiet." We hide behind a rock and see a group of Chen's men chanting and going somewhere. As five of Chen's tattooed cultist thugs go by, we pull them behind the rock and steal their outfits. We then follow the thugs to a big stone chamber with a giant stone snake. Cole is licking the fake tattoos we made from chocolate from the shell peas. "Stop licking your tattoos!" Kai tells Cole. Cole puts his hands up as says, "It's chocolate, I can't resist." "Sh! Just try and fit in." Lloyd tells them and we see Jay already chanting like the others, so we follow suit.

Chen the arrives in front of the chanting crowd and bangs a giant staff with crystal and a snake skull on top, causing the cultists to drop to the floor in a bow, we follow suit again. "Bring out the loser," Chen announces. Karlof is then dragged in by two cultists bringing him to Chen. "Unh! Get hands off Karlof! Karlof wish he never sign up for this." Karlof is thrown at the feet of Chen. "What's chanting for?" Karlof asks. "Uh, they're saying..."Only one can remain." Like I said use it or lose it." Chen then blasts Karlof and the metal coat across his skin and armor disappears in a smoke going into Chen's staff and Karlof falls to the ground. "He's stolen Karlof's power," Kai states rather obviously. Cole adds on, "And he used Ice. That means he must have already stolen Zane's power too." Karlof then tries to punch his fist, "What happened to my Metal?" he asked. "Your metal? Oh it's mine now," Chen taunts before laughing maniacally. "But now I will let you go." "Really?" Karlof asks, surprised. "To the factory Chen shouts as Karlof is then dragged away to whatever "factory" he mentioned. I hear Lloyd whisper to my left, "Jay, your face..." I see Jay's chocolate tattoo melting off. "My face? All of our faces! The chocolate's melting." Jay exclaims. The cultists start to notice and one asks Chen, "Who are they?" Chen shouts, "Intruders! Stop them! They must not escape!"

We run out of there as fast as we can, the cultists following closely behind us until Cole trips on a wire which causes the corridor behind us to close. Keeping the cultists away from us. Kai cheers until giant axes start falling toward us and Kai says, "Oh, no!" We run and go into an alcove before the axes chop us down. "That was close," Cole says. Though not close enough as we hear a growling noise. "That sound" Jay says as we look down to see a gigantic purple snake. "That has got to be the second biggest snake I Have ever seen!" Kai exclaims. "Second!?!" I say astonished as we leap up to avoid the snake springing at us. "I'd hate to see the biggest snake then." I shout as we reach a dead end and the snake gets closer and closer until we fall back onto Kai's bed.

"Are we..." Kai start to ask but groans. "Yeah, barely," Lloyd answers. "Did we just-ow!" Cole exclaims. "Uhh my head. I'm going to feel that in the morning," I say as we all start to get up. "No more sneaking around," Jay says, "From now on, let's just follow the rules." Kai groans then says, "We may not have found Zane, but we found something just as important. This tournament isn't about glory. It's about Chen stealing all of our Elemental Powers." "But why? What is he planning?" Lloyd asks. "I don't know, but if we're gonna find out and find Zane, we have to play by his rules. Agreed?" Kai asks. "Agreed,"the rest of us say. "Good thing we weren't spotted. That was close." Cole says. "Yeah," Jay says, holding his butt where the snake bit a hole in his pants. "Too close."


"What a day," I say to myself as I enter my room. "What happened to you!?" Garmadon asks, concerned. Oh right the former King of shadows is my roommate. Forgot about that. We head toward the couch and I start to fill him in. "We tried to find Zane and found some trouble. We weren't caught but we found out that Chen is stealing the powers of the Elemental Masters that lose his little game." "That is...disturbing." he says, a hand on his chin, deep in thought. "Yeah, though I guess you guys are used to such odds being world-saving ninja and all." I say as I relax on the couch,

Garmadon chuckles but then turns to me with a serious look on his face. "Why are you so determined to do this?" he asks. "Surely you have a life beyond this that you need to get back to." I stay silent. "A family worrying for you?" he asks. I continue to stay silent. "Friends?" he asks. "I don't have any friends," I say, pulling my legs up to my chest. "At least until Zane and P.I.X.A.L. I don't have anyone or anything in this life anymore. Except for them." I could feel the tears trying to come out but I wouldn't let them. Garmadon puts a hand on my shoulder and gives me a comforting smile. It feels safe to be with him, with all the Ninja. I haven't felt that in a long time.

I could feel the tears start to roll down my face and I tried to wipe them away. Garmadon then slowly pulled me into a hug catching me off guard. Like I've said I normally don't like strangers touching me. I know I can trust him though, I hug back and whisper "Thank you" to Garmadon. He says, "Of course," softly and starts to pull away but rubbing my back as my tears stop falling. "Do you want the bed or the couch?" he asks. "I'll take the couch, I'm used to sleeping on harder surfaces," I say, sending a smile his way. "Are you sure?" he asks, still concerned. I nod. He smiles and then heads away, "If you need anything we are all here for you." I smile and nod and he heads to bed. I then grab a blanket and head back to the couch. As I lay down I begin to think Seems like I have friends now. Maybe things will get better. 

Crystal Heart (Lloyd x Male Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя