"Ooh someone had a bad first day" he said joining me at the counter, "what happened?"

"Nothing NILO" I said his name through clenched teeth, "I'm fine"

"Then why does that response bother me, as your only best friend, i demand to know" he said while pushing out his chest making me giggle.

"Whatever" I said making my way up to my room and locking the door.

I started my homework which took me roughly twenty minutes.

"Chiiii!!!" Ama screamed while banging on my door

"What is it?" I asked feeling tired

"Mama needs you downstairs now" she announced "we're going to visit the neighbors".........


Thirty minutes later we were standing on the neighbors front porch.

"Now kids please be on your best behavior ok?" mom pleaded as she rang the door bell

"Whatever you say mumsy" Nilo muttered under his breath but mum still heard anyway.

"What was that Genilo?" She asked using his full name which meant he was in trouble.

"Nothing mom I-" he was cut off by the young Lady at the door.

"Mrs. Kidjo!" She exclaimed like they were best friends as they hugged and exchanged pleasantries.

"Come in" she said opening the door for us to come in.

I took in the large living area loving the place already.

"Luke and Chris will be down shortly" she told us while we made ourselves comfortable.

Nilo was bickering with Ama again while I tried my best to tune them out.

"Oh Luke" Mrs Marvel said as a guy about Gyasi's age made his way into the living area.

"We have visitors?" He asked while looking at us, his eyes staying on me longer

"Yes" Mrs. Marvel replied "remember the new neighbors?" 

"Oh yeah" realisation crossed his features as he came and say beside me "hi, I'm Luke as mom might have told you and you are.

"Kamara" I finished for him as he smiled.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he said as heat rushed to my face and I stared at my ballet flats as he chuckled

"Guess they don't tell you that often but you have to know that-"

"Luke stop flirting with that lovely girl and come help me set up dinner", Mrs. Marvel interrupted as I noticed Luke's cheek stained with a tinge of pink.

"Way to go mom" Luke muttered as he made his way to the dining area as his mom chuckled at his reaction.


"And that's how Chris got stuck with mud girl for the rest of the evening" Luke continued while everyone at the table laughed..

"Jeez, way to go ruining my first impression" Chris announced while joining the table.

"Anytime bro, anything to see Kamara's breathtaking smile" he said as I felt my face heat up.

"Kamara?" Chris said while taking spoonfuls of his food.

"Kamara" Luke replied nodding his head to me while I concentrated on my empty plate afraid to look up. 

"Oh the Kidjo girl Mark can't stop talking about?" He asked as I snapped my head up to meet his sky blue eyes on me. My face heated up as I took his look in. He was wearing a button up Shirt and his black hair was styled in a messy way which made him look hot.

"Wait", I heard myself saying "you know Mark? " I asked clearly confused

He chuckled in that deep baritone voice. "Yes I do" he replied as his eyes held a glint. "He's star quarterback of the baseball team and I'm team captain", he said while leaning forward on the table.

"I wasn't at lunch today but Mark kept telling everyone about you"

"What did he say about me?" I asked as my curiosity got the better of me the second time today.

"He kept saying how hot you were and how you blew his mind and all with your beauty", he said still maintaining eye contact with me as I blushed looking away.

"Bro, you're not meant to tell her that" Luke chipped in "you're making her uncomfortable" he said in a bored tone while I bit on my bottom lip

"Oh like you know what to say", Chris replied as I heard the eye roll in his deep voice

"I always know what to say " I looked up at Luke to see him smirking at Chris

"Whatever man" Chris said while paying attention to what Nilo was telling him.

"Kamara you should do more P.E", Luke said casually and I immediately felt my eyes water at what he said. I was always conscious of what I ate but I was still plum anyway, with a little Pudge of a stomach.

"Why? " I said as the whole table became silent as they noticed my tears "I'm perfectly OK with the way I am" I said quietly as I stood up with a quiet "excuse me" and made my way out the door and back home, going upstairs to my room and locking the door, climbing into my bed and sobbing into my pillow.

Worse first day ever!

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