Chapter 2

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3rd POV:

It been few hours , days , weeks or years? I don't know the last I remember god engulf Y/N with a bright light once again. Not knowing where or what happened only silence. Until he slowly wake up.


I slowly open my eyes in dark silent void? Wait is this the anti-void I never see this before. I start to check my surroundings there nothing but pure darkness .

"Hmm I wonder how I look like cause I don't feel any much different but.. powerful yes powerful but how do I...oh wait..!"

I remember as a powerful being I can literally do anything so I brought my hand up and pic a object or something to look at myself. To my suprises it work a mirror appears behold me.

 To my suprises it work a mirror appears behold me

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And I look very intimidating and cool. Luckily I don't too glitchy right? Nghh ya i don't know.


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"Anyway.. now I know I fine and ready for action it time to figured out how to get out of here.. yeah"

If I not mistaken god say he gave me Omni 404 memories right? But question is how do I get access to it crap...

3rd POV:

As Y/N try to figure out how to access the memories . A being appears as the only 2nd Guardian Of Fictional Creation And Creator 'The observer'

The observer watches the being Omni 404 as he wondered who is he as he remembers watching it died by unknown cause

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The observer watches the being Omni 404 as he wondered who is he as he remembers watching it died by unknown cause. Could he be the new Omniverse destroyer or.. a protecter.
He will found out soon but first he will observe for the time being.


As I am trying to figure out to access the memories I sense a presence yes a familiar presence which Omni 404 knows him.

"Hmm interesting I think memories will come out naturally but first I have a powerful being watching me"
Whisper to myself.
"Or.. Should I say Observer!! Come out I know you're here!!" Shout out loud.

I watch the observer reveal himself and approaches me. Knowing him he very powerful only a idiot would go attack him head on. Now let see what he wants..hope he won't cause me trouble as I don't want anytime soon because come on I just got revive and don't know how to use my power yet!!.

The observer POV:

Not surprised as I expected he knows and already sense my presence. As soon he shouted my name and ask me to come out. So I do what he say not wanting to cause problem oh Please I'm not afraid it just I have way allot big work to do than dealing this problem if Omni 404 go on to rampage *Sigh*.

"Hello Omni 404 it fine pressure on meeting you again " I say it very sincere.

Omni 404: "Yes indeed it a pressure observer so tell me what brings you here your not asking for a fight is it!?"
He smirks.

"No..I'm not planning to that be very rude as we know it will only be a draw. Now to your question as why I'm here is because I'm confused-

Omni 404:  "Comfuse!?..." He asked.

-yes comfuse as I thought I watch you die few years ago by a unknown reason so tell me how are you alive."

Than I noticed he shows a sign of hesitant but stops and look at me.
How interesting..


As soon he say the question I hesitate and shock was not expecting that question. Crap in the biscuits. But I stop myself..I know if can't keep my secret from he will watch my every moves. *Sigh* Let do it I hope it ends well.

"Observer I will tell you but with one condition only do accept!" Suprises as he wasn't expecting that and I smirk abit.

The observer: "Very well I accept what is the condition Omni 404" he said interested with this development.

"You will keep my secret no matter and everything I'm telling is the truth"
I said as he nods.

"I'm not from this world I'm a reincarnation from a mortal world send to as a second chance in life by my god- " I see him abit comfuse so I eloburate and expain everything.

Time skip - After Y/N explain everything to the observer .


After I explained everything to the observer he remains very quiet. To my suprises he becomes very understanding and will help keep my secret and explain to other trust worthy gods. Soon he left and give me permission to do what I want Because why would I want to cause choas for god sake.

"Now that went well huh awesome now back to how to use my power fuck..." As I sigh with annoyence.

Time skip - Y/N Continue to figure out how to use his powers.

It took me awhile to figure out I don't how long but holy shit finally. The power that I manage to figured about is True omni-Strings,True Omni-blaster , True Omni-invisibility , normal sans abbilty and  404 Determination.
I practiced what I learn so far till it perfect knowing this is just enough for battle. Killing something if I obsoletely needed. The other abbilty I will soon try to figure out in my past free time.

"Now than...since now I'm ready now I can finally explore the... Omniverse but first let go to the undertale Multiverse oh yes my favorite can't wait to meet them."

I physically opens a huge glitchy portal as I focus the world undertale Multiverse where I want to go and enters it with full of excitement plus the observer permission and help hopefully I won't come across any problems . Slowly my view in engulf in a bright light.

(There it is my second chapter I hope you enjoy my story. Comments now below what you think and Maybe some new idea thank you and have a nice day Sorry if it short again bai .)

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