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I was dragging my bags up the front steps as my mom fumbled with the keys, but my Father swung the door open. They sat me at the dining table for their, "News". My mother looked at my father nervously and he cleared his throat. "Lucy we would like to inform you that for the remainder of the term and through the summer you are to come home on the weekend and attend dates with young pureblood men of suitable status." My jaw dropped. "WHAT?!" I yelled. My mother chimed in "Well dear we wanted you to have some choice in this and we have tolerated you befriending muggle borns and blood traitors and had hoped you would find an appropriate boyfriend but hearing as you rejected the diggory boy-" I leap to my feet, "HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT CEDRIC ASKED ME OUT?" My mother let out a squeak, "Cedric confided in his mother and Amos told me at work about it." my father said," You can of course pick from the suitors but you've left us no other choice than to push you on the right path seeing as you said no to Cedric with no good reason—" "NO!," I bellowed racking my brain for a way out any good reason that i didn't need to be paraded around my parents friends' kids and didn't have to miss out on weekends at Hogwarts with my friends. I was fuming, why did they care so much about blood status?! "You have to dear!" My mother said. How was I gonna get out of this? "I - I- I- can't because... because... I'm already dating Draco" Oh no... I don't know why I said that... but he was a pureblood... maybe I could get him to go along with it... "Draco?" my father quizzed," Draco Malfoy?? Well I supposed he would be a good choice but we hadn't heard that you two were dating..."What did he mean he hadn't heard? Did he have spies and sources beyond amos diggory? "Well we are... maybe your friends at Hogwarts aren't keen enough to notice!!" This "info" seemed to have been finally sinking into my mom's brain "Oh Narcissa will be thrilled!!! I could not have found a more perfect boy for you myself! You two will have the cutest kids someday!"" Kids?? I'm barely 16(ik they aint but like this yr is 4th yr and 5th kinda combined so deal with it plz) "So I don't have to go on dates?" I pleaded, "I don't think Draco would appreciate that" I added for good measure. "Well of course this changes everything" my mother said. "As long as you and Draco are together the dates won't be necessary. Oh I've got to send the new house elf to get Narcissa she'll be ecstatic" my mother said leaving the room. My father was still eying me as if he didn't believe the story. "Well since you guys know I guess I can admit I was gonna go see Draco so I guess off I'll go. Love can't wait!" I said running out of the room and through the front door... sprinting towards the Malfoy's before my mother could reach Narcissa.

I banged on the door. Narcissa opened it, "Hi dear! Your mother was just telling me the news I was about to go ask Draco why he hadn't told me yet." Crap. My mom got there first. "Oh well I," I stammered,"I was just going to go see Draco as well." Draco came walking down the stairs at that moment Narcissa looked between the both of us, "Oh well I guess I will leave you two lovebirds alone" Narcissa said in awe. Draco looked confused and was about to say something until I spoke, "Thanks welp better be going then bye!" as I pushed Draco up the stairs and into the room. "Lovebirds?" he said, "I said I would be friends with you Collins not be a lovebird." So then I explained the whole situation to him about the dates and blurting out his name. "I'm so sorry!! I just didn't know what to say to them
to get out of it!! I'll go confess to my mom now..." "Wait" he said running his hands through his hair, "What if we pretend to date until you can figure out some other way out of it?" "Brilliant!" I said. "Great! Shouldnt be that hard to act a little closer for the next week until the get back to school." I winced as he said that realizing I left the part about them somehow knowing all the Hogwarts tea, "Uhh well the thing is... I think my parents have spies or insiders at Hogwarts or something I don't know how but my Dad somehow know everything about my love life including Cedric asking me out and- " "Cedric asked you out? What did you say?" "I said no," I continued, "And thats besides the point I think we're going to have to pretend to date at school to convince them" He paused in thought "Alright, I'll do if. But only because it will get my mom off my back too". I sighed in relief "Thank you so so much!!" I said hugging him, "I think I'm gonna head back now, I still haven't unpacked since they ambushed me as soon as I walked through the door." "Wait shouldn't I like walk you out" he said,"being that I'm supposed to be your boyfriend and our mothers are sitting by the door gossiping. "Oh yeah I guess" He grabbed my hand interlocking our fingers with made my breath stop in my throat and he led us down the stairs and to the door, "I guess I'll be seeing you later, Darling" he said placing a kiss on my hand and then pulling me into a hug and whispering in my ear, "I think that'll fool them" I peered over to our mothers who were eagerly whispering to each other. "Thanks" I whispered back and I began walking towards my house. I felt so dizzy... why did I feel so dizzy... he only kissed my hand... no no no... I am NOT getting a stupid crush on Malfoy....

My mother started badgering me with questions, "Bye mom!" I said as I bounded up the stairs ignoring her and flopping onto my bed... Wow... I guess I would be spending a lot more time with Lucy... not that I didn't want to but that wouldn't help with my little problem of having a crush on her. I hate to admit it but I think I do. Her hair smelled like lavender when I hugged her and I mused on buying a Lavender plant just to smell that all the time.. god I need to stop being this whipped.

Old friends... A Draco Malfoy storyWhere stories live. Discover now