Chapter Thirty-Six - Can I Keep Him?

Start from the beginning


    We all crowd in the lift and as it elevates us, Robin begins his debrief. "Okay, team. Johnny Rancid's still on the loose," he says as the lift begins to open. "I'll check the scanners while-- huh?"

    I look up and my eyes bug out of my head at what I see. "What... the...?" The entire room is trashed. There is not a spare spot on the floor where there is not a broken vase, or a spillage, or a cloud of dust. Bite marks line the couch, and the coffee table is completely gone. The dining table is tipped over, and even the walls around us have been damaged.

    "Oh, dude!" Beast Boy exclaims.

    "Looks like we'll be getting a new... everything," I state, as I make my way to the kitchen, Starfire and Robin behind me.

    "There was a party and we were not invited?" Starfire questions, walking past me and looking inside one of the cupboards.

    "A party? More like a tornado," Robin says as he walks over to the furthest part of the room, disgust lined on his face.

    "A tornado with teeth," Raven adds, looking at the couch in dismay.

    "Yo!" Cyborg exclaims, lifting his gaming platform into the air. "Who's been chewing on my GameStation?"

    I walk over to the Boy Wonder as he pulls a sticky piece of pizza from the computer's desktop. "Ember and I will track down Rancid," he says, turning to me. "You guys track down... whatever did this."

    They all nod, but I take a step closer to them anyway. "You sure you guys don't need all hands on deck here?" I ask.

    "Four's enough," Cyborg replies. "Go get Rancid."

    Before I can nod, Robin pulls me through the room and back to the lift where we started this maze.


    I fly directly above Robin, who sits on his R-Cycle as we look through the town. Soon, we arrive at the place which we fought, now wrapped up in police tape with signs indicating detours everywhere.

    "We should check the security footage from that place over there," I say, pointing at a building to my right.

    "This one?" Robin questions, pointing to the same building, one of the most damaged in the vicinity. "I can't see you."

    "Right." We approach the police tape, and I land on the floor as Robin parks his motorcycle. 

    "You wanna do the talking?" Robin asks, gesturing for me to proceed before him. I scan his expression before curtly nodding and turning to the police man. Unlike the others around him, he is very young, no older than twenty-five. Despite this, I still feel uncomfortable about the steep age gap.

    "Hi," I say. "My name is Ember, I'm a Teen Titan. Can Robin and I pass? We're looking for Johnny Rancid."

    He cuts my rambling off before I can continue, something I presume is good. "Can I see some form of identification?" he asks, in a higher pitched voice that matches 

    I glance at Robin incredulously, before turning back to the officer. "We're two teenagers in ridiculous superhero--"

    "They can pass, Mike," an older officer whom I immediately recognise says. He tips his hat off to us before turning back to his paperwork, and Mike awkwardly shuffles to the side as we pass, smiling at me weakly.

    "Next time, you talk," I mutter to Robin, who nods.

    "You didn't have to--" he begins, cutting himself off as we reach the building.

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