Don't Be So Judgy, Captain!

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London, England

Twenty-one years have passed since the War of Piracy. The epic battle between the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman which took place in the middle of a raging maelstrom had long become but a memory. At this point, some say it was no more than old fisherman's tale. But one little girl knew better...

Maggie Sparrow would've loved to say she'd seen it all. But even after fighting in giant battles with her father, Captain Jack Sparrow and sailing around the world, she knew there was always something new waiting on the horizon. And that's just how she liked it.

But Maggie didn't have time to focused on the past at the moment. She watched from the side of the Old Bailey Courthouse as the citizens of London Town were all excited about the pirate hanging about to take place.

"Hurry papa!" Another little girl said "Or we'll miss the hanging!"

"It's not a hanging, dear" her father corrected "It's a trial. The hanging comes this afternoon."

"Don't hold your breath" Maggie mumbled to herself.

The young pirate walked around the corner of the courthouse and snuck in through the back door. Maggie started walking down the halls of the courthouse, looking for her father.

"Dad!" She whisper-yelled "Daddy!"

Suddenly she was pulled aside into a nearby room. She looked around and saw she was in the Judge's office. She turned towards whoever had pulled her from the hallway and what she saw made her laugh so hard she snorted.

Her father was dressed like a judge! With the powdered wig and robe and everything!

Her father was dressed like a judge! With the powdered wig and robe and everything!

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"Nice wig, curly sue!" Maggie giggled.

"I'm only doing this because we have to save Mr. Gibbs" Captain Jack, her Father scowled.

"Really?" Maggie snickered. "You mean you're not just trying to go legit? Become sober as a judge?"

"Perish the thought, Luv!" Jack smirked.

"You look like a girl!" Maggie giggled "An ugly girl!"

"Speaking of looking like a girl!" Jack told her "I convinced everyone that the previous owner of this wig, had a niece visiting from out of town."

"Well, what are we waiting for!" Maggie said "let's grab Gibbs and go!"

"Hold it" Her father told her "Judge Smith is pretty high up in the ranks of the law..."

"So?" Maggie asked.

"So if he does indeed have a neice, she wouldn't be wearing pirate clothes" Jack explained "she'd probably wear a dress."

"Well, tough luck!" Maggie smirked "Cause I don't have a dress!"

Captain Jack grinned down at her.

 Pirates of the Caribbean: Sailing On Strange TidesWhere stories live. Discover now