Beach Day

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+No one's p.o.v+

Steven knocked on the temple door, he knew that there was no missions today. And he wanted to spend time with the Gems. "GARNET! AMETHYST!! PEARL!!" Steven started banging his fists on the door. He backed up as the temple opened, Amethyst was the first one to leave her room. She had summoned her whip, Thinking that Steven was in danger. When she seen that there wasn't she desummoned her weapon and calmed down. "Hey Ste-Man, How's it going?" Steven jumped up and down Explaining exactly what he wanted to do today.

"So what do you say!?" Amethyst had barely heard anything he had said. She was about to say something, When Pearl's door opened, Then Garnets door. "Steven is everything alright!? Are you hurt?" Pearl asked, pushing past Amethyst to look over Steven for any injuries.

"Yup! Everything's Fine! I Just wanted to know if you would like to have a Beach day!" Pearl looked at Amethyst, who Just shrugged her shoulders, Pearl Then look at Garnet, Who had a smile on her face while giving Steven a Thumbs up. Pearl looked back at Steven "We would love too, Steven" Steven Started running around the room. Stars in his eyes as he run up the stairs, and down the stairs, into the closet, back up the stairs, back down the stairs, and into the bathroom.

Pearl stood up and looked at Garnet with a Confused expression, Garnet shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. "GUYS WE SHOULD TOTALLY BRING FOOD AND DRINKS!!!" Steven yelled from inside the bathroom. Amethyst walked to the kitchen and grabbed some food. Apples, Chaps, Pie, grapes, Sandwiches, water, pizza, bread, Pb & J, pickles, Soda.

Amethyst put the food on the counter top, and went towards the closet to grab a picnic basket. Pearl helped Amethyst put the food into the basket, while Garnet got the sunscreen. Steven walked out of the bathroom in a swimming trunks, and Grabbed a towel. "Okay, you guys ready to go-" Steven noticed that they weren't even ready...

"Guyssss! You aren't even ready yet!!!" Amethyst looked at Pearl, Pearl looked at Garnet, Garnet fashed into some swim wear. Pearl and Amethyst did the same. "Oh." They all just stood there awkwardly... "Let's go have some fun!!!!" Amethyst yelled and grabbed Steven by the arm. "Race ya to the water!" Amethyst ran outside and towards the water, Steven did the same.

"Last one in the water is a Clod!" Amethyst yelled, then tripped over a rock... Steven got to the water before her "Hey Amethyst! I did it" When Steven looked where Amethyst was last seen he couldn't find her "Amethyst?" Garnet and Pearl were quietly laughing as Pearl pointed behind Steven. But before he could look behind him he was Thrown in the air and splashed somewhere in water.

Once Steven resurfaced the water he playfully glared at Amethyst who was laughing a storm. "Amethyst that wasn't funny!" Steven said jokingly , "Yes it was!" Steven rolled his eyes and splashed Amethyst with water... that was what started the water fight..

[Time skip]

After Amethyst and Steven got out the water Steven dried off with his towel and Amethyst tried to get Pearl in the water "C'mon P, live a little!" Pearl hid behind Garnet as she glared at Amethyst "I am living a little! I just don't want to swim!" Garnet walked away from Pearl leaving her with nothing to hide behind.

Amethyst charged at Pearl hoping to grab and lift her into the air. But Pearl had other plans, she ran away so she could to avoid Amethyst. This went on for a good 5 minutes when suddenly Pearl fell on Steven.

She immediately got off of him, apologizing frequently. She had barely noticed the small crimson that brushed his cheeks. "Steven I'm so sorry are you hurt!?" Steven hadn't fully registered what had happened really, he was much more focused on what Garnet was doing.

Garnet was building a huge sandcastle and she had a piece of paper in her hands. Considering how far away she was, he couldn't read what it said. He faintly heard someone talking, he knew it was Pearl he just couldn't seem to understand most of what she was saying he only heard small bits of it like "Steven." Or "Hurt" not to mention when she started acting sarcastic. She was all like "AMETHYST!" Or "Totally Fine" And "Rose would be ashamed of me"

Once she mentioned his mom he turned his attention to her in a flash "huh?" Pearl sighed in relief when he said something "Steven are you okay?" Amethyst looked behind her and gave Garnet some weird signals. Garnet nodded her head and waved the paper around in the air. Amethyst ran to go get the paper. "Um, yes" Steven said with a nervous smile. "That's great to hear Steven-" "HEY STE-MAN!" the two looked at Amethyst "yes?" Amethyst and Garnet told them that she and Amethyst had to go on a 'mission', and that they'd be back in a few hour.

"Alright then, be safe..." Pearl said trying hard to keep her composer. "We will!" "Oh, and Pearl, don't blow it" and with that they both left Steven looked at Pearl with a Confused expression. "Don't blow what?" Pearl's face lit up with embarrassment "We don't have to worry about that"

"If you say so" Steven went to go get some food from the picnic basket. He had decided to eat a Sandwich, Pearl Just stood where she was looking at the water and occasionally looking at Steven. "Steven?" Steven looked at Pearl and put his Sandwich on a plastic plate "Yeah?" Pearl walked over to Steven and sat down next to him "Have you ever just wanted to be Normal?" Steven gave Pearl a Confused look "what do you mean?" Pearl looked at her feet "Have you ever wanted to be human?" Steven thought for a moment "Maybe, but If I were human I might not have gotten to know you, or Garnet and Amethyst" Pearl smiled weakly "that's why I love you, Steven" Steven smiled "I love you to" Suddenly Pearl's eyes widened "What?" Steven hugged Pearl "I said I love you, your the bestest, Smartest, Kindest Person I know" Pearl blushed lightly as she smiled to herself "T-thank you"


Sorry that I haven't posted for a while, School had gotten in the way.

Hope you enjoy this chapter

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