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"Is everything all set?" Y/N's father asked his family who stood on their porch.

"Yes, Ross, everything's fine... But, there is one thing I'm not sure is fine." Y/N's mother replied, looking at her sitting down on the stairs of the porch, listening to her Walkman.

Ross sat down beside his daughter. Y/N noticed her father and paused the music, taking her headphones off as well.

"Oh, hey dad, are we ready to go?" She asked.

"Yes, everything's all set and we're ready to go, but are you all set and ready to go?" He asked.

Y/N did not reply but just hung her head down sadly. Ross wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a side hug.

"Look, sweetheart, I know moving to California isn't your idea of spending your last year in high school before moving to college, but you have to understand that we're doing this for us. Besides, your school had a student exchange program with a school in West Valley, maybe you knew some people there."

"Yeah, I know some but it's not just school and friends, I mean, I'll move away from everything I know." Y/N explained. "And I'm not judging you for moving or anything but I'm actually really happy that you chose California instead of Alaska because I hate the cold."

"Well, I'm glad you feel that way but Y/N, you can open up to anyone, okay?" Her father asked. Y/N nodded in reply. "I love you, dad."

"I love you too."

"Sorry about letting you guys think I was down or something." Y/N apologized to her parents as they put on their seatbelts.

"No worries sweetheart, I know the feeling of moving away from everything you know but I'm sure that you'll have fun at California as well." Rachel reassured Y/N.

Y/N gave her a sad smile. "Thanks, mom."

Rachel smiled back at her and then told her father to drive to the airport. As Y/N's father drove, she looked out the window and viewed New York one last time. It is going to be a long time till she'll come back.

As soon as they arrived at the airport, Y/N got her bags from the car, did all the necessary stuff needed before waiting at the gate for the plane. Y/N went to find a payphone nearby and eventually found one. She dialed one of her friends's number, Ali Mills, from California since she and her parents are going to live around the same place where Ali and her parents live.

Y/N met Ali when she was an exchange student at Y/N's school in New York. She had a fun time Ali and she offered to keep in touch with Y/N. Y/N did so and eventually made friends with her best friends, Susan and Barbara.

"Hello?" A voice called out from the phone.

"Oh, hi! Is this Ali Mills's house? This is Y/N Geller by the way, calling from New York." Y/N said.

"Y/N! It's me!" The voice squealed.

"Ali! Oh, it is you!" Y/N laughed.

"What made you call? Are you still moving here?" She asked.

"Yes, I just called to ask if you maybe wanna hang out later after my parents and I've settled down at our new house?" Y/N asked.

"You called all the way just for you to ask me to hang out? Wow, you must be really bored aren't you?" Ali asked.

𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒, johnny lawrence (editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt