Chapter 9) Meetings.

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The old pair's evening was spent with Hux being held in Ren's embrace as Ren made small comments that made the ginger feel himself glow red. Often, Hux would find himself slipping away to sleep but being awoken by the idea of having another one of his nightmares. So, Ren continued to fuss over the male, till it came to a time when Hux just passed out due to his exhaustion.

The next morning, Ren had awoken to an empty bed. To be expected of course. Ren was a late riser and presumed Hux was the opposite; which lead to his theory that the ginger woke up to remember the previous night and regret them. Well, it wasn't much of a theory, Ren could sense the General's conflicted mind from the Bridge.

Kylo Ren finally got up, stopping his daydream at the empty spot beside him, to get ready for his day. That day, he wasn't doing brain-numbing training and was instead meeting with his knights and sitting in a meeting with the General. Once he was prepped and ready, he began his day as if the night previous had not left him in a blissful state.

"That's all that we were to discuss for today's meeting." Hux had just concluded his excruciatingly long meeting with the holograms of eight other Lieutenants and Captains from other First Order crew. All the while, he was joined by Ren who happened to be one of the two physical staff in the meeting.

Once all holograms faded, Hux leaned over the table, his fingertips holding his frame as he dropped his head down from exhaustion. Then, there was a rustling beside him and there stood Lieutenant Mitaka.

"General Hux, I was wondering if I could have access to the newest report of payments made on Star Killer?" Mitaka asked, for once not sounding so meekly and asserting himself. Hux was proud of his progress as a member of his crew. The General nodded, muttering a quick explanation that he'd allow him access when he returned to the bridge. He had other matters to attend to.

After Mitaka scurried out of the room, Hux looked up to see the unmasked man watching him from his seat still. Hux averted his eyes quickly, beginning to collect his paperwork before he suddenly felt a hand on his. Turning to look to his left, there stood Ren looking down at their touching skin.

"You know, you have a nasty habit of regretting things, General." Kylo was insinuating to their previous intimate moments but also Hux's glove habit. The elder choked on his words, seemingly feeling as if they were lodged in the back of his throat. What was he meant to say to that?

"Ren," Hux started, voice wavering as he finally met eyes with Ren, suddenly losing all words to protest with. The ginger was losing himself more and more to the Knight, becoming bashful even at the idea of them communicating. "Why do I always feel like you somehow win whenever we have these moments?"

Ren smirked slightly, sending a wave of colour to splash Hux's cheeks while he desperately tried to hold back. "Well, I wouldn't know what gave you that impression," Kylo teased, taking a step closer and staring deeply into the other's grass-green eyes. "But I seem to enjoy it when we're together. Wouldnt you agree, Hux?"

The General gulped, bashfully looking away. He nodded slightly, not giving Ren the privilege of a verbal answer. Suddenly, he felt his stomach drop to the floor as he felt a hand snake around his waist. Hux choked on his air, looking up slightly to meet eyes with Ren. "You're a tease, Ren."

Ren smirked more, slowly retracting his hand and taking his leave.

The ginger had to take a moment and control his emotions. He cursed Ren under his breath. Speedily, he gathered his belongings and swept through the halls of the Finalizer to the bridge to meet with Mitaka. There, he received a new report on Star Killer and made his staff pick up the pace so they could finish everything on time. Mitaka was stood at Hux's heel, informing him of the overall performance of the ship and how Thasma got that report back to him. Truly a reliable woman. Mitaka dismissed himself to report to his station while Hux kept himself occupied by walking around the ship.

For around half an hour, the General wondered the vast ship and checked everything out for himself. After meeting with Phasma for a brief second to see the sparring stormtroopers. It brought him back to his days in the academy. The male left and found himself on autopilot towards a certain location.

Upon entering one training room, he saw the person that had been flooding his mind. Kylo Ren had just plunged his sabre into the hologram of an enemy after a sequence of graceful moves. "Very well done, Ren."

Ren swivelled around, eyes locating Hux who stood just inside the threshold. The force user was not in his uniform, clearly, and instead wore a tank top with some loose fitted pants. A sight to see. Ren smirked, extinguishing his sabre and attaching it to his waist as he turned to face the ginger. "You seem to have a lot on your mind, General."

The whole time he had been walking, Hux had accumulated multiple versions of a speech he wanted to give to Ren when he saw him. Some were casual, some were bashful and some were annoyed. Hux began to speak, words tumbling as his mouth started mixing all three emotions.

"Honestly, you're so confusing, Ren. One minute we despised each other and the next thing I knew, we were cooped up in your room- sleeping in the same bed! But here you are, playing coy and messing with my feelings. I'm the General of The First Order for pities sake!" Hux rambled, stiffening up as he made gestures and watched Ren loosely. "Honestly Ren, you're so childish! All you do is what you want and never think about what anyone else needs!!"
"You make me so, so-" Hux stuttered, watching Ren quickly take strides up to him and place a hand on his waist, a hand on his cheek.

"So happy?" Ren teased, a small smile placed on his lips before he leant in and placed his lips on the others. Hux almost immediately dropped all spiteful thoughts and felt like his body was butter at the touch of Ren. Their lips moved slowly, cherishing every second of their intimate moment. Hux's hand slid up Ren's chest and found his fingers woven into his raven hair.

When the two slowly pulled away, they both kept their hands where they were while they collected their thoughts. Hux had come to realise he was hopelessly twitter pated over Ren- leaving him feeling a warm feeling within. Ren suddenly looked nervous, noticing Hux's dull expression. The ginger chuckled, making the raven glow pink before receiving another small kiss on his lips.

"We're hopeless with emotions," Hux mumbled, slowly moving his fingers through Kylo's hair as he watched him smile.

"More like you are," Ren smirked, rubbing his thumbs slowly over the other's glowing cheeks. Hux scowled briefly before smiling a little.


A/N: sooooo, it happened. I had many versions in my head of how I wanted their confession to go but here is the one I opted for.

But, this isn't the last chapter. I think I might release another one after this which won't be as long (I don't wish to ruin anything).

I'm also sorry for the delay. As you've all heard and felt personal: school sucks right now. So yeah, I hope you are understanding.

Also!!! Thank you so much for the 4k reads! The support has been truly amazing and I adore you all <3

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