chapter eight

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It was long since Adela last saw Edmund, and there was a not a day that she did not think of him. Until one day, she didn't have to think anymore.

It was a beautiful sunny day in Narnia. She was out on the sea with Caspian, other Telmarines and Narnians. Adela stood at the top. She looked down on the glimmering waters.

Her hair flew back from the breeze blowing her way. She was dressed in a dark green cotton dress that stopped just above her ankles. She also wore a tiny flower crown made with small white and pink flowers she plucked from the grass before they set out.

All of a sudden, she noticed something odd in the water. Three heads poked their way out. She studied them curiously. "Caspian!" She called.

Her cousin, who stood at the head of the ship, turned to her.

"Is that who I think it is?" She exclaimed, pointing off into the water.

Caspian turned to look at where she was pointing, then smiled. "I think it is! Not to worry! We'll get them!" Caspian assured. He gathered two other of his sailors to jump down into the water and retrieve Lucy and Edmund. There was another boy, who neither Adela nor Caspian recognized.

Immediately after the men jumped into the water, Adela slid down to the main deck. "It's Edmund and Lucy! It's really them!" She laughed in excitement. All the Narnians that were on the boat broke out in surprised murmurs.

Caspian, the other two sailors, Lucy, Edmund, and the boy that Adela did not recognize were raised onto the boat.

"That was thrilling!" Shouted Lucy with a smile.

Adela spotted Edmund from across the boat. She froze. They hadn't seen each other in so long. She wondered if he even cared about her the same way he did a year ago. After all, it was very possible that he might have found someone else in the time they were apart.

"How in the world did you end up here?" Asked Caspian with amusement. He wrapped a towel around Lucy.

"I have no idea." The girl chuckled.

Edmund still hadn't seen Adela, neither did Lucy. Adela could not seem to move at all. She just stood and watched from afar.

"Caspian!" Greeted Edmund. Caspian parted from Lucy, and made his way to the older boy. "Edmund." He beamed. He wrapped another towel around him as well.

"It's great to see you." Gushed Edmund.

"Great to see you." Repeated Caspian.

"Didn't you call for us?" Speculated Lucy.

"No. Not this time." Denied Caspian with a shrug.

"Well, whatever the case, I'm just glad to be here." Edmund resounded. His smile was wide.

He looked off to the side, now finally meeting the eyes of Adela. Not as much time passed for him as it did for her. She appeared to be a little older. Her hair was shorter, down to her shoulders.

The way she stood never changed. She kept her head high, her back straight. Her sword, always by her side. Edmund's smile fell slowly. Not because he was upset, but because he was shocked.

In the time they hadn't seen each other, Adela only became more beautiful. Edmund made his way past Lucy and Caspian, who continued to speak amongst each other.

Each step closer to Adela was like a step closer to his dreams. Much like Adela did of him, Edmund never ceased to think of the beautiful princess.

He stopped right in front of her. There was not much space between them. Her eyes looked up into his.

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