chapter two

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They set out on the boat, crowded and bunched together. Adela sat beside Edmund. On the other side of the boat, sat Lucy and Susan, who she had only learned the names of just before setting out.

Peter, who was rowing the boat, remained at the center and the dwarf remained at the front. No words were exchanged up until then.

Adela touched her fingers to the clear water beneath them. It sparkled under the sun's glow. Edmund stared at her with his soft brown eyes. His lips hung open ever so slightly, though he didn't seem to notice.

He was intrigued by her beauty, her elegance, her strength. Her hair was now loose once more from the fighting. Her braid was almost nonexistent, and barely held back by her ribbon.

Her dress was awfully wrinkled, covered in sand, and her cheeks were dirty from the water she had earlier submerged herself into.

Edmund had yet to say a word to her since they first met her. Apart from their short battle, they hadn't a single interaction.

"They're so still."

Lucy spoke as she stared up towards the trees. The trees stood atop of a cliff, looking in on the creak they were traversing. At this, Adela looked away from the water. At first, her eyes met Edmund's.

His lips came to a close, and his cheeks grew red. Next, Adela followed Lucy's gaze up to the tall trees.

"They're trees. What'd you expect?" The dwarf glowered.

"They used to dance." Lucy grimaced. The dwarf sighed. He took a pause to look off into the distance. "Wasn't long after you left that the Telmarines invaded." Explained the dwarf. He once more looked to Adela.

"Would you stop that? It's not my fault I was born into it." Adela mumbled in frustration. The dwarf rolled his eyes. "Those who survived retreated to the woods." He continued.

"And the trees, they retreated so deep into themselves that they haven't been heard from since." Sighed the Dwarf.

"I don't understand. How could Aslan have let this happen?" Lucy wondered.

"Aslan? Thought he abandoned us when you lot did." Retorted the dwarf. His face still remained angry.

Adela, instead of speaking as she usually did, decided to listen. She was not sure of who Aslan was, who the previous Narnians were, or any of this magic, but she knew there was no time for questions. She had to find her cousin.

"We didn't mean to leave, you know." Peter lamented.

"Makes no difference now, does it?" Rebuked the dwarf.

"Get us to the Narnians... and it will." Insisted Peter. The group grew silent once more. They neared their destination, and Edmund still struggled to utter a single word to the princess.

In a way, he was intimidated, afraid that she would reject him. All he wanted was to congratulate her on winning against him, though it didn't seem that she expected much congratulations.

He hadn't any time. He spent too much of it overthinking, until they stepped onto the rocky beach. While Susan, Peter, Edmund, and Adela helped pull the boat onto shore, Lucy wandered off.

She spotted a bear, assuming it was friendly. With a smile, she greeted it. "Hello, there!" She gushed.

This caught the attention of the others. The bear stood up on its hind legs. "It's alright. We're friends." Lucy insisted. She continued to walk closer to the bear.

The bear, threatened by Lucy, fell back down onto its four legs, growling.

"Don't move, Your Majesty!" Cautioned the dwarf. Lucy turned around to face him in confusion.

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