Dave gets into the truck. Darius looks put out. The truck speeds off. As we go to the lab, I notice that Brooklyn was moping about losing followers. Ben is humming and putting on hand sanitizer on every part of his body. As we get closer, Brooklyn starts her video, "what's good, Brooklylanders? Today, I'm coming to you from one of Jurassic World's coolest remote genetics labs!"

We enter the lab. Everyone that works there is moving with a purpose around a lot of equipment. In the lab there are multiple incubation hatcheries and other equipment. Roxie says, "This is a rare window into the park's inner workings. Not just anyone can come here, you know."

Dave says, "Yep, this is where the magic happens."

Dave looks around then says, "Doc Wu-Wu! Guess who's ready to have a blastocyst from the pastocyst? The mitosis with the mosisis! We're ready for some chromosomes, my bro-mosome. Wu, there it is!"

Dr. Wu walks away. Dave says, "I can do more."

Roxie says, "Please don't"

Roxie rushes over to Dr. Wu and says, "We're here for the tour, Dr. Wu. Camp Cretaceous? Ms. Dearing should have mentioned-"

Dr. Wu says, "I'm sorry, but Mr. Masrani has accelerated the timetable for our newest exhibit yet again. I simply don't have time to spend the afternoon babysitting children."

Wu approaches Brooklyn and places his hand on her shoulder. He says, "Young lady, no recording in the lab."

"Huh? But that's kind of my whole deal. You see, I have my own web channel--"

Wu dismisses her. But, Brooklyn uses Wu's giant ego against him. Wu allows her to film. Brooklyn starts filming Dr. Wu. Sammy constantly asks questions. Dave is next to an incubation hatchery. He says, "You guys, look! Oh, I think one of these eggs is about to hatch."

Wu says, "That's not possible."

Everyone gathers around incubation. Wu starts typing away on a computer, saying, "that ankylosaurus has only been incubating for ten weeks."

I say, "well it's hatching."

Wu looks at me confused, "and you are?"

I say, "Temperance Turner, DMV , MD, and M.Ed in secondary education."

Wu raises an eyebrow at me and asks, "you are the young lady that Mr. Masrani wants to work at Jurassic World? The one that is 'dinosaur linked'?"

I say, "yes. Although I call it 'Dinosaur linked' there is no official way to label it."

I hear I am coming out from the egg. Soon I see a tail. Stuff from the egg flies and lands on Ben. He freaks out. The baby tries to get the egg off of her head. She almost falls off the incubation platform but Ben catches her and removes the egg.


Hmm. His name is Ben but he is very caring and could be called a mom.

Then you are Mom and Ben is Mommy

I sigh. Brooklyn asks, "What?"

I say, "She has decided that Ben is her Mommy and I am her Mom."

Brooklyn laughs. Brooklyn notices that one horn is bigger than the other and says that is cool. Wu says, "Asymmetry? In my lab?"

Wu apporchs us. Ben says, "Aw! Wow. She's so... tiny."

Roxie asks Dr. Wu, "But she won't stay tiny for long, right?"

Dr. Wu says, "that's the idea. All the dinosaurs go through an accelerated growth cycle. They're supposed to incubate for 13 weeks with no noticeable defects, but apparently this one slipped through."

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