Charles Willson Peale

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"Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures."- Henry Ward Beecher 

"All children are born artists, the problem is to remain artists as we grow up."- Pablo Picasso

Charles Willson Peale was one of the most renowned painters of America in the late to mid 17-1800's. His portraits of famous military leaders, such as George Washington, led to his success and fame during the time of the American Revolution. Not only was Peale a talented painter, he was also a naturalist and served in the military. He fought amongst many others in the American Civil War, the Mexican- American War, and the War of 1812. Charles was born on April 15, 1741 in Maryland, USA, to Charles and Margaret Peale. He had one younger brother, named James, whom was eight years his junior. When he was thirteen years old he became apprenticed to a saddle maker. Later he opened his own saddle company but, being a Son of Liberty, was bankrupt by Loyalists later on in his career. At the age of 49, Charles married Rachel Brewer, and together they had ten children. In the year 1790, Rachel died, and he later married again to a woman by the name of Elizabeth de Peyster. Together they had one child. During his lifetime, Charles Willson Peale painted around 1,100 paintings in total, and his family was considered the first family of artists. On February 22, 1827, he died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

One of Charles' most famous paintings is called The Staircase Group. Painted in 1795, this portrays his two sons, Raphael and Titian, going up a flight of stairs. One of them holding onto an artist's easel, and another peaking his head around the corner of the staircase. This is a very realistic piece of artwork, part of the American Neoclassicism period, and photo-realism category. Peale created this painting as somewhat of an optical illusion, the size and detail being so realistic as to that of actual children going up stairs. It resides in the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Another one of Charles Willson Peale's most notable pieces is a portrait of himself. This painting was done in the year 1822 and it displays himself on the second floor of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Again, this beautiful masterpieces demonstrates Peale's remarkable talent in the field of art. The detail is extraordinary, and it definitely looks as if you were looking at a photograph. 

These two gorgeous pictures demonstrate all the patience, will, and much talent it takes to become a successful artist. There are many similarities in each of the pieces. For example, the intricate detail, the precise shading, and photo-realism of Peale's style are displayed in each of his pieces. He uses rich, neutral colors so that his paintings are soothing to the eye, and give an idea of what things would have looked like in his era.

Throughout the decades, many people have been inspired by his beautiful artwork. It gives you a glimpse into the past, and let's you fully appreciate their significance. Dozens if not hundreds of artists have taken his style and have used it to the benefit of themselves, and many others.

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