"Wait really?" Jungkook made a well known surprised face.

These dorks might or might not have taken a few sips of soju earlier, which was getting in the act.

Jimin- "So, Jungkookie"

Kook- "Yeah hyunggie?"

Jimin chuckled at the name Jungkook addressed him. "I was quite wondering...how did you realize that you loved Tae?" 

Jimin placed his head in the armrest of the sofa.

Jungkook tilts his head and widely grins. "I don't know...what made me realize but when I realized It was already too late to shut down my feelings." He smiles and closed his eyes to remember the night when he joined a dance class in high school and he was shocked to see Taehyung there, which even made him giggle was Taehyung was the same shocked as him, infact when Taehyung saw Jungkook standing with a group he stopped in his tracks, and as Tae's and Jungkook's eyes met, to him it felt like the whole world has stopped. He was sure Taehyung felt the same but for once.

But again those pictures appeared when Taehyung tried so hard to avoid him.

Jungkook felt the latter hated him, how foolish he thought he was. Not to think about what Taehyung felt. It was sure to be honest that how can he imagine that Taehyung distanced himself because he wanted a career.

He smiles, if he knew that he would distance himself from Taehyung.
Whatever he would do if he gets happy. Even if he needs to go away from him if Taehyung wants him to.

He frowns and shakes him.

'Stop thinking this bullshits...'

"Kookie" Jimin whined when Jungkook snatched a pillow from his grip.

"Hyung you have one and I got one..its equal now!" Jungkook reasoned. 

Jimin huffed and looked at Jungkook.
"Why did you choose to be a nurse?"

Jungkook sighed. He knew what he needed to answer as it was almost the most obvious question. 

"I..wanted to take care of people so that's why.." He said. It was the millionth time he answered this question because whenever he meets someone they always make sure to ask this and Jungkook was low key expecting Jimin to ask.

"Oh but you could have been a doctor?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah but I wanted to be around the kids and take care of them, keep them in check and all and being a doctor was not my goal so."

Jimin - "Kids?" 

"Yeah.. oh I mean, I work in the children's ward." 

"Ohhh daebak... No wonder you're like a kid too!" Jimin said cheering and Jungkook made a pout.

"-To us" Jimin added, smiling and adoring this little maknae.

"I'm an adult.." Jungkook leaned on the back of the sofa and sipped his banana milk.

Jimin chuckled lightly and opened his phone.

He texts Taehyung. 


Taehyung, being bored, looks around the room. It was neat and all white. Boring...

He pulls out his phone and sees a message from Jimin.

He pulls out his phone and sees a message from Jimin

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