01 | UN

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all of stray kids were walking down the hall, people staring at them as they do so

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all of stray kids were walking down the hall, people staring at them as they do so. i mean how could they not. they are the most handsome, talented (chaotic) people out there. but one person caught everybody's attention. yes. the lee minho. he was a playboy. he wasn't like anybody else in the group. he's known for breaking hearts.

the thing is that jisung has a crush on him. like a very big crush on him. of course jisung will never tell him for obvious reasons. 1. cause it's minho. 2. minho doesn't like him back. 3. everyone will hate him if minho and jisung date, and jisung doesn't want that.

"jisung hello? earth to jisung?" jisung looked at whoever was talking to him. "oh hey felix, what's up?" felix rolled his eyes, "the ceiling. anyways i was trying to speak to you but you were ignoring me the whole time. probably thinking about minho again." felix mumbled the last part but jisung still heard it. "i was not, i was just thinking about.. frogs."

felix looked at him like he was weird but still went along with it. "okay sure.. frogs. anyways it's time to go to class so might wanna hurry up. cause we're probably already like 5 minutes late." jisung widened his eyes, looked at the time on his phone and started running to class. "i'll see you later felix!" felix just chuckled at the boy and went to class as well.

jisung ran into the classroom, which made everyone stare at him. "sorry i was late miss, i-" "i don't care, jisung just sit your butt down so i can start the lesson." jisung looked down in embarrassment and quietly went to sit down at his seat.

"i'm surprised i'm not the one late today, you are." the person behind jisung spoke, "shut up, minho. i was talking with felix." jisung scoffed and spoke in a low tone. "woah, why are you in such a mood today, squrriel? is something bothering you?" jisung looked at him. "yes, you-" "han jisung! you will have detention for talking while i am teaching!" everyone looked back at the jisung. he again got called out in front of the class. he turned bright red in embarrassment.

"miss it wasn't only him it was me too. i was the one to talk to him first-" the teacher cut minho off. "don't stick up for that little rascal, minho. i saw him talking to you so he will be getting detention. end of discussion."

minho hates that teacher so much. the teacher is always only mean to jisung, even if something had nothing to do with him. he looked at jisung with a 'i'm sorry' face. jisung just faked smiled and shook his head, signaling that he was okay when he actually wasn't.


it was now lunch time and minho and jisung walked to the cafeteria, talking about if you should put water on the toothbrush before you put toothpaste on it. jisung says yes, minho says no. they sat down waiting for the others, felix, jeongin, and changbin already being there. "oh hey guys." changbin smiled, "how was your classes?" jisung rolled his eyes while playing with his food. "horrible. Mrs. Kim gave me detention cause she saw me talking to minho. like bitch, focus on yourself before you come at me, you hoe." jisung finally said everything that he thought about during class.

"jisung, there is a child right here. mind your language." felix said, covering jeongin's ears. "hyung, i already know all these words. i also say them if you didn't know." jeongin said, taking felix's hands off of him. "i'm grown now, so stop treating me like a baby." jeongin pouted and crossed his arms trying to show that he is big boy now.

"not if you keep pouting like that. you're a baby and you can't tell us that you're not." minho said pinching jeongin's cheeks like he's a old grandma. "whatever you say, oldie." minho stopped pinching his face and glared at him, jeongin just smiling his cute innocent dimple smile in response. "okay but where are the others? it's been like 10 minutes." as soon as felix said that the other three boys came running into the cafeteria.

"we're here! don't worry!" chan screamed, making everyone in the cafeteria go silent and look at them. chan, hyunjin, and seungmin all ran to the stray kids table and sat down. everyone was still looking at their table. something snapped in jisung feeling all the eyes in the cafeteria on them so suddenly. jisung stood up and spoke, "what the fuck y'all looking at! we get that we're handsome but you don't need to stare and drool. now turn your asses around and talk with your hoe of friends."

as soon as jisung said that everyone turned around and started talking to their friends again, probably talking about the jisung situation that happened just now. jisung sighed and sat back down. "someone most definitely had a bad day today," hyunjin said eating his goldish."i just wanted a normal day but it got ruined." jisung sighs still playing with his food. he hasn't even eaten it yet. "yeah ji just got detention by our teacher. although it was my fault for him getting in trouble, but she wouldn't believe me." minho said as he stuffed food in his mouth.

"how does anyone like that teacher, she calls students names and she still hasn't gotten fired yet." they sat in silence until a idea popped up in chan's head. "wait guys, what if we try to get her fired. let's gather enough evidence to show how bad she is with children." they all nodded and smiled in agreement.

"this is the first time i've seen hyung be this smart. it's amazing." jeongin said, chan playfully hitting jeongin's arm in response. the other's chuckled at the two. "but anyways, i can most definitely record her while i'm in class tomorrow. she always has a lot of words to say to me, and it's even better now cause i have detention with the old woman."

"well it's good that you have detention cause me, hyunjin, and chan have detention too." seungmin said. "what did you guys do?" minho asked. "we were being too loud in the library." jeongin gave them a disgusted look. "listen, i support y'all all the way but why would you choose the library-"

"wait no not like that! i would never wanna do that." hyunjin said, panicked. "chan hit himself in the face with a book and then hyunjin laughed at him, so the best revenge chan had to do was hit hyunjin in the head with a book. hyunjin reacted a little too loud causing us to be kicked out. so i had nothing to do with it." seungmin explained. everyone else laughed at the story. "explains the red mark on his forehead." felix laughed.

"i wish i would've seen that. that would have been extremely funny." jisung said. "ji, why don't you eat. you haven't eaten this whole time." felix frowned. "i'm not hungry." minho rolled his eyes. "jisung your stomach has been yelling at you to eat. now eat." minho stuffed some food in jisung's mouth and made him chew. jisung swallowed and smiled, showing that he was okay. the other's just sighed and continued talking while minho made sure to feed jisung at times so that he wouldn't be hungry later.


it was now the end of school, meaning it was time for jisung, chan, seungmin, and hyunjin to go to detention. "i don't get why i have to go to detention when i didn't do anything." seungmin pouted. "well me neither but hyunjin's loud ass had to ruin the fun." chan said blaming it on hyunjin. "well if you hadn't hit yourself with a book then i would've stayed quiet." jisung had no idea how he got some chaotic friends like this.

"i swear to namjesus crackers, if y'all don't shut the fuck up, my foot will be in your mouths." jisung said as he walked inside the detention room. as soon as jisung went into the room he stopped, making the other three bodies bump into each other.

"jisung what the fuck-" they all looked up and widened their eyes in shock.

✰ note;
so uhmm...this is the first chapter and it has 1000+ words..

anyways hope you have a great day, drink some water, eat a snack, and take care of yourself. love youu <33 byee.

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