She looked over to Botswana and Botswana gave her a hiss.

"He's the new fella, he's a bit aggro so don't take it as an offense if he starts to go Berko at you for no reason" He assured.

"He's a jewel...Hm, we'll put him in aviary 103" She muttered, her squeaky voice annoying the hell out of Botswana.

Australia soon took care of the child and went to pick up Botswana's cage. Botswana started shout questions, banging himself against the bars to break them, though the serum was taking effect.
The other normal Nagas watched, feeling bad for the guy.

A lot of the people working in Aviary 103 got a lot of bruises, explaining why the guy had plasters on his hand and one on his face.

Botswana finally stopped, his arms hurting and his body in a weak state.

"Sorry little guy, but we've got to keep ya safe, there poachers out there who wouldn't mind skinning ya, but I'll be the guy taking care of you and the others the most, names Australia, but you can call me Aussi!" The guy sympathetically smiled.

"I don't want to know your name, I don't want to be taken care of, and I certainly don't want to be here, with a bunch of pets" Botswana snapped.

"Well, the guys you are staying with are like you, so you have no worries, you'll hopefully get along with some of them." He sweated, remembering last time he had to deal with them.

"With some of them? What do you- "

"Well, you're here, Good Luck!" He quickly disrupted, opening the cage, and putting it in the room, and locking the door.

Botswana grumbled, looking around the place. (If you've seen Rio, the aviary is like the one Jewel and Blu meet in)

He slithered around, very, very confused. This would be his new habitat? Yeah, right, won't be when he escapes!
Before he could even look around to escape anything, he felt someone pounce on him and use their tail to grab his by his toros, suffocating him.

"من أنت؟ ماذا تكون؟! لماذا أنت هنا؟!"
(min 'ant? madha takun?! limadha 'ant huna?!) (Who are you? What are you?! Why are you here ?!) They growled.

"Gah- Ugh, My, Y-You're suuu-suffocatin-ing me!" He gasped out, well at least he knew what his prey feels like!

"O-Oh, you're Ameri- AYE!" They yelped, getting of him, and holding their tail in pain.

"I am not American!" Botswana corrected.

"Damn Jewel Species!" He cursed, trying to pull the scale out of his tail.

Oil Species are incredibly cold since the environment of oil is hot, so they normally live-in deserts, but their tails would melt if they were so hot, so they are cold to stop their scales and tails from melting, though their so cold if they make contact with a jewel species tail, the jewel species scales will become solid jewels.

"Saudi Arabia, what are you doing near our side gain- oh, we've got a new one, and he's a jewel species! Another one for us, one more than you!" A guy chirped.

"Stop shoving it in my face Namibia!" Saudi Arabia snarled.

"Well, you're on our side of the aviary!" Namibia pointed out.

"You have more land than us, let us take a metre or so!" He groaned.

"Rather not, now slither away." Namibia yawned sarcastically.

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