My eyes widen at his statement and I can't help but grin at the thought that he may have been jealous or annoyed. He looks at me expectantly waiting for my answer and I try to suppress the nervous laugh, biting my lower lip. 

"In my defense, I'm going to say that he was all over me all night but yeah, it was fun having him around. And what about you?" Nervousness surfaces when I ask, afraid to hear something that I would not like to hear.

"Nothing interesting, just another day of pubs with the guys." He shrugs it off before looking directly at me, "I'd have liked to spend more time with you, though."

My heart starts pounding and I'm doing my best not to have a nervous breakdown right now. Did he say what I think? Reece smiles at me slightly, almost regretting it, as he stands up, closing the package of cookies.

"Yeah, that would have been nice." I confess quickly before he completely regrets saying it.

For a moment it scares me to think that I may have made the moment uncomfortable but all my doubts dissipate when I see a small smile making its way across Reece's face as he puts the cookies back in their place in the cupboard.

He leans sideways with his arms crossed over his chest on the counter with me in his field of vision. Reece looks at me under a deafening silence and I try to come up with any possible topic of conversation in my head to get him to stay a little longer and not end the night. But my hopes are dashed the moment he looks down the hall for a few seconds and Blake and Bailee's voices continue to be heard.

"Seeing that this is not going to end anytime soon, do you want to come to my room and watch something on TV? I would offer to be in the living room but ..." Reece directs his gaze awkwardly towards the room that in the dark of night seems more disastrous and I can't help but laugh.

"I don't think an explanation is necessary. Lead the way, captain"

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Not wanting to be sitting any longer, I get up and walk silently around the room while Reece brushes his teeth. His room would look brand new if it weren't for the clothes in his closet and the guitar in the corner of the room. I run my hands through his college notes until my gaze is directed to a closed notebook on which a piece of paper that says "Somebody that you loved" sticks out. I shake my head not sure if I want to see what is written on that paper or do it and be caught by Reece in the act.

I sit on the bed, pick up the red guitar and put it on my lap as if I was going to play a song, only if I knew how to play the guitar. I was so focused watching how to put my fingers that I don't notice when the water stops running and the door opens.

"That's Cherry"

I turn my head in the direction of the voice and try to keep my nerves in check from what my eyes see. His hair is slightly wet and his shirt fits his figure a bit and I can't help but wonder if he's been to the gym. Lie, sure he went to the gym. I quickly look away from him embarrassed at the thought that I have been looking at him for a long time.

"Pardon?" I ask once I've got myself together.

"Cherry is my guitar. I've named it like that." Reece explains in more detail as he pushes his notebook aside, far from me.

I frown at his action and that gives free passage for my head to make up all the possible stories about what I have seen. Has he fallen in love with a girl this summer? I take my eyes off the guitar and let it drop to the ground for a moment. Maybe it's not his ... but who am I kidding if that is in his room. I shake my head trying to cast off each of these intrusive thoughts and take a long breath.

Fall Passion || r.b. (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now