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Hey guys! U should really watch strange magic. I love the songs! And can't get it out of my head....
Third person's P.O.V( I'm trying it out. Don't judge me)

'HEY GUYS!' BlueSeraphos( Me) popped into the cabin.

'WHO R U?!' The demigods screamed, obviously frightened by me.

'U don't know?' I asked in a matter-of- fact way.

'I'm Valentine. Daughter of Poseidon. And I just got to camp but totally read about U guys!!'
I introduced-shouted.

'Ok... Stop shouting. I got a question. Why is your name named after Valentine's Day?' Annabeth asked me.

'Cuz I was born on Valentine's Day.' I said.

'A VALENTINE BABY!' Annabeth oohed over me.

'Anyway. U guys are playin truth or dare right? I'm in.' I sat down between Piper and Annabeth.

'Ok... Leo? Truth or dare?' Reyna asked.

'Dare.DUH!' Leo rolled his eyes.

'Hmm...' Reyna thought.

'I dare u to light YRSELF on fire and jump into the lake. And before that, U must let us to video U.' Reyna smiled.
Short chappie. I know I'm sry. Anyway, DAUGHTER OF POSEIDON HERE!!!*Waves my hands* I always wanted to be one.... GOSH! THAT WAS THE DINNER BELL! BYE!


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