alternative ending 3

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"i blame myself for this," bakugo suddenly blurted. he watched saiki's eyes meet his. "i know what it's like to...go missing and i just...your vision saying that me and icyhot were gonna go missing...i remembered that day. it's something i don't want to remember, but it's a f-cking curse. everyone brushes it off and i guess i started letting it go as well. until your vision. that f-cking vision." he sighed, staring at the ground. "don't you dare tell icyhot i said this, but i'm glad he was trapped under that debris. it's better than getting kidnapped."

a loud, ear splitting crashing noise echoed from behind them. all might and shigaraki were having a one on one battle, while dabi was fighting someone else. the two boys immediately stood up when they saw who it was. deku. the battle looked very one sided. blue flames engulfed the villain and the hero. bakugo ran towards them, but an explosion on the inside sent him flying backwards.

dabi's palms formed another flame. "you don't have anywhere to go, hero."

deku's fingers were ready to flick a small percentage of one for all at the fiery villain. "neither do you." he flicked and the power immediately shot out of his fingers. the colorful sparks aimed for dabi's stomach, but he dodged at last second. the failed attempt seemed to have its pros as the fire wall and the flames on dabi's hands withered away.

all might's fight with shigaraki seemed to going a bit rougher. the ground cracked from shigaraki's quirk and all might's true form was going to show at any second. shigaraki's hand was dangerously close to all might's face.

deku's eyes widened as he saw what shigaraki was doing. he quickly prepared to use one for all again, but dabi shoved him aside.

bakugo froze, his mind refusing to process what was happening. he didn't even notice aizawa run past him to help the former number one hero. his feet planted themselves in place, paralyzing him. shigaraki's hands were hardly three inches away from all might's face, but aizawa's scarf wrapped around his wrist. aizawa pulled shigaraki's hand away.

"i am NOT losing you, too," aizawa said, his eyes turning red as he used his quirk on shigaraki.

bakugo let himself relax a bit. he unwillingly knew that if all might were to die, bakugo's blame probably would've killed him instantly. his eyes searched for deku. the green haired boy was struggling to stand up as the wind was really knocked out of him. despite having bloody wounds covering his face, deku's anger took a conspicuous turn.

shigaraki laughed. "didn't know you cared about all might so much. how about your students? how much do you care about them?"

aizawa's eyes wanted to blink, but he forced them to stay open. "you need to shut up."

bakugo stared at deku again. his legs started moving and before he realized what he was doing, he ran towards the green haired boy. "DEKU!"

deku stood up, stumbling. "kacchan?"

"f-cking sh-t, MOVE AWAY, IZUKU!"

deku tilted his head. he had never heard bakugo call him by his actual name before. "what are y—"

he stopped talking. in fact, everyone stopped talking. the whole area seemed to go dead silent. movement was nonexistent, everyone and everything was frozen...

deku opened his eyes, realizing someone was laying on top of his chest. a coughing fit arose but he still tried identifying the person.

"kacchan?" he continuing coughing.

"you are a f-cking idiot," bakugo muttered. he stood up, stumbling.

saiki exhaled, letting go of a breath he didn't realize he was holding. he stared at bakugo, then deku, then the teachers and then back to deku. he slowly removed his antennas.

"what are you doing?" bakugo asked.

he threw the power dampeners to the side. he raised his hand, a strong gush of energy bursting out of his palm. it destroyed the road in front of him. he glared at shigaraki, dabi, and toga.

"this ends now," was all he said.

haven't worked on this in weeks, haha. i've been working on my haikyuu au actually. also, not me spontaneously writing this in math class. i think for one of my next alt endings im gonna make an aftermath chapter with the original ending. sorry deku.

10k reads!! that's pretty swag. thank you for reading 🕺🕺

have a wonderful day/afternoon/night

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