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y/n's pov~~ 

I woke up to someone knocking on my bedroom door i got up and walked over to my door to see chuuya i raised my eyebrow he showed me the time and my eyes widened at the sight it was already 11.00am i nodded as to say thank you i quickly got dresses i walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and i walked to the front door to put my platforms on after that i walked over to see chuuya had 2 cups in his hand

"Here coffee just how you like it"he handed my the cup i took a sip it was perfect

"Thanks chuuya it was really good. Do you have work today?"

"I only have a bit of paperwork today what about you"i nodded and placed my cup in the sink to get wash later

"Yeah i have stacks of paperwork to do"i grabbed an apple and washed it and took a bite "see ya"i walked out of the door and closed it and walking out of the building to see dazai standing there

"Waiting for me"he looked up and saw me a nodded his head "dazai i have a bad feeling for today"

"Yeah your not the only one y/n don't worry"he gave me a little side hug and gave me a head pat i chucked slightly he is one of the only to ever hear me laugh most say that if you hear me laugh it's a blessing and some even say i physically can't laugh but people who have heard me laugh can and will say otherwise as we got into the HQ me and dazai split paths as i headed to moris office i saw one of the lower ranked people struggling with holding paperwork i walked over and helped them by taking over half of the stack they were in shock and told me they could do it i didn't listen

"Where are they meant to be?"she looked shocked still before stuttering out moris name i nodded and walked with them in a awkward silence when we got there i asked one of the guards to open the door i saw mori smirk i help the kid place the paper where mori pointed the kid thanked me and bow like a million times i put my hand on there shoulder causing them to stop i flashed them a small soft smile they blushed and walked out smiling

"My my i swear you could make anyone blush when you flash a genuine smile my dear niece now come and give me a hug i missed you"i shook my head softly sighing walking over to him and hugged him

"But uncle you saw me yesterday morning"he chucked and sat back down. I sat on his desk like always "uncle I have this really bad feeling for today and so does dazai do you have a bad feeling??"

" a bad feeling huh i don't know hun?"he shook his head


I glanced at my phone and saw it was a message from my one of my underlings telling me i have more paperwork to do "ughhhhh"

"What is it sweetie?"uncle asked while filling in some paperwork

"I have too much paperwork to do why did you give me so much uncle i thought you loved me"i complained leaning back on his desk so i was laying down

"Well my dear child if you are talking over this place when i die you need to be use to doing a lot of paperwork i also have tons of paperwork but i don't complain"

"Yeah that's cause you're old and all you can do hehe bye uncle love you"i kissed his cheek and ran off before he could process what i said i opened the door and regain my composure and walked calmly to my office all that could be heard at the moment was the sound of my platforms on the hardwood flooring once i got to my office i walked over to my mini fridge a got a nice cold beer i tipped it in a glass and topped it with lots of ice i walked over to my desk turned my laptop on and put some soft music on put my laptop on the other side of my desk and got started on my paperwork

After a few hours of paperwork and many alcoholic beverages i get a sos text from dazai to meet him outside ASAP all i could think was 'was this the bad feeling that me and dazai felt all day'

chuuya x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant