22 - Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

Start from the beginning

Alana walked over to her computer and hacked into the system and opened up her files that revolved with the land payment, "I just uncovered every file that references the tract of land she brought from Gold," She printed off the files and turned off the system, "Nice," She put them into her bag and began looking around the room and discovered a key ring with several skull keys, "What the hell do these open?" Alana asked.

Alana walked over to her computer and hacked into the system and opened up her files that revolved with the land payment, "I just uncovered every file that references the tract of land she brought from Gold," She printed off the files and turned o...

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"I don't know," Alana put them away and started looking around, "What are you doing?" Sidney said.

"Looking for Henry's book," Alana said.

"We didn't come here for Henry. We came here for the files and-," Sidney began to say.

"No," Alana interrupted him, "You didn't come here for Henry. Me? That's the only reason I'm here," Alana said as she looked around.

The light turned on and Regina entered, turning off the alarm system and looked at Alana and Sidney, "What are you doing?" Regina asked.

Alana looked at her, "Some kids broke in. I heard the alarm so I'm checking it out cause I'm Sheriff," Alana said.

"Well, that was an awfully quick response time," Regina said.

"You told me to do my job and I'm doing it... Emma's still at the station in case you called to let you know I am already here," Alana said.

"And you brought him?" Regina asked as she looked at Sidney.

"Oh, well he was it while he was on a walk. He's a witness," Alana said.

"Hm. And what did you see, Sidney?" Regina asked.

"Some kids with a..." Sidney said.

"Rock," Alana said.

"A rock," Sidney said.

"Did they take anything?" Regina asked.

"I don't know. I'd have to do a thorough sweep to, uh, find out," Alana said.

"It appears to me it was all just a prank," Regina said.

"You're sure you don't want me to take the place apart?" Alana asked.

"Sheriff, your services are not wanted nor needed," Regina said.

"Okay. Well, you know where to find me," Alana walked to the door, she looked at Sidney, "Come on, I'm gonna need to have you to make a statement in case anything has been stolen," She looked at Regina, "If anything's missing, call me straight away, Madame Mayor," Alana said and left with Sidney.

Sidney walked to Alana, "You are an expert liar," Sidney said.

"Tell that to my sister when I'm upset please, then I wouldn't have to pour out my feelings to her a lot," Alana said.


The genie entered the Queen's chambers carrying the box he got from Henry Senior.

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