Ghosts Exist

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"Paul, do you think this will work?" I asked. My husband and I were sitting in the middle of our living room with the lights off and candles lit. It was raining cats and dogs outside. My husband, Paul, was interested in paranormal things and he believed that ghosts exist. I don't agree with him but if it makes him happy, I'm ready to do any foolish thing.

"Of course I think this will work, Sonia! Ghosts are real and I will prove it to you by doing this séance. Now hush, I have to say all the mantras." He closed his eyes and started moving his lips. I closed my eyes too and repeated after him. We were about to finish, when someone knocked at our door. That's strange; who could it be at 12:00 in the night? I thought. I opened the door and found a man standing there, wet from rain. He had a black jacket on and was shivering. He face was red from the cold, and his teeth were chattering.

"My car broke down, and I need to call a mechanic. Do you mind if I use your phone to call? My phone's battery is dead," He said. I couldn't see him in such a state and invited him inside. My husband was nowhere in sight. When that strange man entered the house all the candles went out. The fire place had a crackling fire in it and it lit up the room. When that man saw the fireplace, he ran all the way up to it and started warming himself. I closed the door and prepared some tea for him. When I came back, I saw him examining our family photos. My husband and I never had kids. Paul had always wanted them, but it turns out I can't have children. My husband entered the room and saw the stranger and gave me the lets-fool-him-look. I nodded in agreement.

"My husband is dead. He died a few years ago. I miss him so much," I said faking tears, " Oh I forgot the biscuits! I'll be right back." The man nodded as he sipped his tea. I went to the kitchen and hid behind the wall. I peeked out to see what was happening in the room. The room turned cold and the fireplace started to die down. My husband entered the room and asked him if he needed anything. The man got so scared he dropped his cup. He face became pale and he screamed. I walked into the room laughing along with my husband.

"Did you see his face?" I said laughing. Paul was laughing to much answer. The poor man was confused and didn't understand. "Don't worry. We were just joking. This is my husband Paul and I am Sonia." Paul's laughing died down and he patted the man on his back.

"I'm alive! Now, I heard your car broke down. I'll fix your car," Paul said. He took an umbrella and went outside to fix the car. As soon as he got out he screamed my name. I ran outside to see a horrifying sight. The rain had stopped and in the middle of the road, there was a red car. We were both shocked. We heard footsteps behind us. The strange man who's car broke down, went up to the car and looked down at his own dead body. Then he turned around and looked at us with an evil smile and said;

"Who says ghosts don't exist?"


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