Safe | Chpt 37

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"I just figured you decided to pick one who liked you, since there's so many," he shrugged and I stared at him confused. ", Sero, Shinsou, Jirou."


"I'm making it worse," he said, the bell ringing to signify class. "I should've ended it with yeah."


"Take a seat!" Mic called and we parted, leaving me to sit down in a big mess. Sero, obviously, though we had discussed not really clicking like that. Shinsou seemed more interested in Ryou at this point and the only reason he would be considered in this instance was because my dad was in love with the idea of us getting along.

Shit I hadn't told my dad I wasn't seeing Sero like that anymore.

Then there was Jirou.

I glanced over at her, seated in her desk and listening to Present Mic. She was calm, even a little bit bored, and was twirling one of her ear jacks around her finger. She had told me she liked taller than her with black hair, though she had admitted to liking Momo. I hadn't really thought seriously about the idea that she actually did like me, but I was kind of passive come to think about it. How was I supposed to bring that up? She had even given me the track I was listening to this morning.

Was that really meant for Momo? Or was it meant for me?

What did that matter? Even if she did like me, I still crazy liked Kaminari. Throwing myself into someone else clearly didn't work, the example being Sero. Now I was sat, in a storm of confusion through the entirety of morning classes. I headed for lunch, seeing Bakugo stomp by. It was strange to think he had just been with the League of Villains yesterday. Why hadn't he taken another day off school?

"Hey!" I focused, realizing that he had stomped his way over to me.

"Uh, hey?" He clenched his jaw, staring rudely at me for longer than I would've liked.

"Could you-- just--tell your dad thanks or whatever?" he asked. I felt my eyes blink a few times, the rest of my body stagnant.


"It's, for you know," he scoffed. I just nodded, wondering why he couldn't just do it himself. "And Shitty Hair tells me you helped him out."

"I guess." He looked like he was going to throw a fit because he was forcing himself to say things he didn't want to.

"Thanks," he muttered.


"Thank you, jesus, what are you deaf?" he scoffed. "And I'm the one with the noisy quirk."

"Oh...well you're welcome," I replied, standing awkwardly a ways from the cafeteria. I didn't know if I should just walk away or let him keep...doing whatever he was doing.

"It's cool that you did, yeah. He'," he stated, in his angry and choked sentences. I finally understood that he wanted to show his thanks for my help towards his friend. I might not have helped him directly, but I did help the one person he seemed to connect with the most.

"Yeah, he is cool. You should tell him that," I replied.

"Who is?" Bakugo rebounded from the impact of Kirishima's elbow on his shoulder. Kirishima glanced between us, a tad confused. Bakugo glared hard at me as if to warn me not to say anything incriminating.

"All Might," I replied casually

"He is cool!" Kirishima replied.

"I saw you on the news," I said. "Very smart. Also stupid, but good job."

"Thanks! Just glad he's back," Kirishima said, his tone affectionate. Bakugo just glared at the floor and I smiled to myself, ever so slightly.

"Yeah, well I'm hungry so I'm going to head into lunch now."

"Oh yeah? Who are you eating with?" Kirishima asked, dragging Bakugo along with him as he followed me.

"If I can't get away, Kaminari."

"Get away?"

"He eats all my food," I lied and Kirishima nodded, as if he experienced this himself. Kaminari was no food thief but he did steal a lot of my time and I wasn't too keen for that, considering how everything was for me now.

Especially after what my dad had said.

So when I got home and he was already there, I didn't have much planned for what to say. I just started off with Bakugo's thank you. Bother dad and Mic found it strange that he would ask me to give it, but my father was happy either way. Mic disappeared for his slippers so that we could watch a movie. I should probably mention Sero.

"Hey dad?" he glanced to me. "Uh, I just thought I'd let you know, Sero and I aren't going to date anymore, we're just friends."

"Oh...when did this happen?"

"Yesterday," I said and he nodded, connecting that I hadn't mentioned it because of the busy schedule he had. "It's cool, I'm totally okay with it."

"That's good," he replied. "It's alright, there's always the next."

That next might actually kill him if I wasn't careful.


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