~Chapter 1~

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(Ok here's the thing, the first chapter sucks it was my first time writing creatively. It gets better in the second chapter when I decide which POVs I am going to use. I do not do well writing in the third person, I do better in the first person so trust me it gets better!!) Also sorry it is short!

  Third Person

It was evening in the Miya household and Atsumu and Osamu have been arguing for the past 2 hours over where the last onigiri went.

"I didn't take it, 'Samu"

"Things don't just disappear into thin air, dumbass"

This was a normal day for them everything was blown way out of proportion. Osamu was rolling his eyes when he noticed on the table the last onigiri as their mom was about to bite into it. Atsumu saw it at the same time and decided he had to speak up.

"Told ya I didn't eat it!"

That got a giggle out of their mom. She was a sweet lady, she had brown hair but always looked tired from raising the twins on her own. When Osamu and Atsumu were young their dad had to move away for work, he and their mom were still married but their mom didn't want to move the boys. She felt that them moving in their first year of elementary would be difficult so they decided she would stay in Hyogo and raise the boys on her own. She finally decided to speak regarding the boys fight.

"You can have it if you want it, Osamu. As long as you share a bit with Atsumu"

Both boys were completely disgusted with this idea but Osamu hesitantly nodded his head 'yes'. And their mother handed it to him.

"Don't forget to share with me, Samu"

Osamu handed it over for Atsumu to take a bite but Atsumu just walked away and went into his room.

"Ma! Did you see that? The audacity, we should adopt him out."

"Uh-huh, I'll get right on that."

She wasn't even listening she was too focused on the article on her computer talking about how if they killed off mosquitoes it would affect like nothing. 

In Atsumu's room

Atsumu had his daily routine when he was in his room, he would pull out a piece of chocolate from his drawer and eat it. Then he would go on his laptop and browse for a bit. This night he was sitting on his bed eating his chocolate while scrolling on his laptop when he saw a chat website. He ignored it but couldn't get it off his mind.

In Atsumu's thoughts

What could it hurt to try? I could use V0lleyb@ll7 as my username.

Huh there are a lot of people on this app. I wonder if Kita-San has this app. Maybe I could text him. No that would annoy him.

Out of Atsumu's thoughts

Atsumu was getting ready to go to bed when he heard his phone ping. It was the new app he downloaded. The app notification read "New message from SpikedPunch10" That username got Atsumu's attention so he decided to check the message. 

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