Chapter 49- Madness of the Ministry

Start from the beginning


It was too late. The dark-haired man had pushed open the first door, leading them into a dark cavern. Stone encircled the walls, the space empty besides a large archway that stood in the center. An ominous veil swept down towards the floor, covering the entrance.

"I don't like this," Evelyn whispered, her eyes wide.

Sirius stood ahead of the group, gazing at the veil with a bewildered expression. "It sounds like it's calling to me."

Remus immediately stepped forward, placing a hand on his friend's arm. "Let's go."

Evelyn grabbed Sirius's fingers worriedly as she practically dragged him from the cavern and back to the door room where two new figures stood waiting for them.

"Lily!" Evelyn let out a sigh of relief as she ran over and threw her arms around the redhead. Smiling slightly, she turned and did the same to Peter. "You're here."

"Someone's got to help you get Potter back," Lily squeezed her shoulders gently.

"We should split up," Severus broke the silence as he strode forward irritably, obviously impatient. Lily laid a soft hand on his arm and a bit of tension released from his shoulders.

Sirius gave a noise of disgust. "You are so whipped."

Evelyn sighed as her twin turned a deep red. "We have to focus." She adjusted her cloak nervously as she attempted to construct a plan. "We should pair up and try each door until we come to the time room. Send a Patronus to the others if you find it."

There was a moment of shuffling as Peter and Remus moved together and Sirius took Lily's arm with a smirk. Evelyn stared as Severus walked over to her side, sure that he would have been with her redheaded best friend.

"You're my sister," he muttered quietly. "Of course I stand with you."

The moment was shattered as several pops sounded throughout the room, members of the Order apparating into the chamber. Kingsley Shacklebolt raised his wand in Evelyn's direction, a sadness gleaming in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Potter. But we cannot allow you to meddle with time."

Evelyn shook her head, grasping her own wand and creating a nonverbal shield charm. "I have to." With that, she turned and threw herself through the doorway, disappearing into the darkness.

Severus slammed the door behind them, murmuring a few protection spells. He turned to face her with a solemn expression. "This will hold, but not for long."

Evelyn nodded, beginning to sprint down the aisle between shelves of strange objects. "Let's hope this works."

The pair turned down several more corridors before they were stopped by a large tank that rose from the stone floor. It held a strange, murky water that seemed to glow in the dim light. Evelyn stepped forward cautiously.

"Are those.. brains?"

Severus was interrupted from responding as a large crash sounded behind them. A group of Order members, headed by Moody, charged towards them, sending curses at a rapid pace.

Evelyn grunted as she dodged to the side, narrowly escaping a nasty yellow hex. "STUPEFY!"

One cloaked figure crumbled to the floor and she looked at Severus with a smirk. "I beat—"

There was a resounding crack as one of the stray spells hit the tank, shattering the glass into pieces. Evelyn stumbled out of the way of the torrent of water, narrowly escaping the tentacles that crawled out of the brains toward her. Severus wasn't so lucky.

Her twin struggled against the bonds, his face turning a deep purple. "Take... this.." he grunted, shoving a small velvet box into Evelyn's hands.

She stared at the small golden ring that glittered inside, diamonds entwining across the surface to form a lily. "No way.." she started towards her brother, pulling out her wand and aiming it at the brains.

"I'll take care of it, Potter." Moody appeared from behind her, grunting as a tentacle attempted to wrap itself around his wooden leg.

Evelyn stared at her former mentor, her eyes widening in shock. "But.. Dumbledore.."

"Doesn't always have to be listened to," Moody finished, slicing off one of the brains from Severus's leg with a grimace. "The Time Room is down the corridor to your right." His blue eyes swiveled around to glare at her when she didn't move. "GO!"

Evelyn sprinted down the stone, her shoes making an echo through the hall. Without pausing for a breath, Evelyn rounded the corner and threw herself through the nearest doorway.

The entire room was golden. The metallic colour shimmered on the walls, illuminated by several lamps that had been strategically placed in the corners. All sorts of clocks hung from the ceiling, dutifully keeping the time, although each seemed to read a different number than the others. In the center of the room grew a small golden tree, its branches curling out to touch each wall. From these swung various necklaces of all sizes, each containing an hourglass charm.

Evelyn held her breath as she took a few steps forward, reaching out her hand to grasp the nearest one. She stared at the time turner as it swung from her fingers rhythmically. Shaking herself, she placed the chain around her neck and cast an affectionate look to her stomach. "Time to get your father back." Delicately, she spun the hourglass several times and everything became a blur. 

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