Hunger Troubles

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"I think that was everything Sinbad asked for..." I looked at the list and back at my bag.

"This isn't much compared to the last list." Light looked at the paper confused. "Did you grab wine by any chance?"

I gasped. "The wine!" I began to run back into the markets with Light behind me. Thank god for Light... I slowed as I searched for the familiar shop. I soon spotted it and went up to it, asking for the specific wine.

"Here you are." I was handed the item and paid the owner.

"Thank you." I smiled, a little winded. I looked over and found Light beside me. I handed him the large jar and we began to walk back to Sinbad's.

"Why does he want all this wine?" Light asked. "Doesn't he have enough drinks?"

"He holds banquets daily and a lot of people come and we just started to run low..." I looked down. "He used to have a lot..."

"Too many banquets and not enough drinks I guess." I smiled at his comment and looked ahead, smelling the freshly baked pastries.

I looked up at Light and saw him notice the scent as well. "It smells sweet, doesn't it?" I chuckled at his face.

"It does..." He looked at me, something washing over his eyes. He shook his head slightly and quickened his pace.

I watched his blue form grow smaller and the scent leave.

The next thing I knew, I was at Sinbad's doorstep, Light waiting for me.

"Took you long enough..." Light muttered, avoiding eye contact.

"Well sorry speed-walker." I walked inside and went to the kitchen, putting away the things we got at the market. I also spotted where Light put the wine, which was right next to all the bread.

"Gina?" I looked over my shoulder and spotted Sinbad. "Oh, thank goodness, I was worried. I saw your friend come in without you." He chuckled warmly. "He seemed anxious you know." His voice was quiet. "Is something the matter?" I went up to him and honestly didn't know what to say.

"We passed by the bakery and then he took off..." I said. "I don't know why..." Sinbad went into thought.

"Hm..." He hummed. "Maybe he doesn't like pastries?" I smiled.

"That's ridiculous, I've seen him scarf down anything made of bread." I crossed my arms.

"Oh is that why he always takes a roll and leaves?" He looked at me curiously.

"Does he do that?" I asked surprised. "I've never seen him do it before..." Is he shy when it comes to eating?

"Well, if he does that tonight, I'll tap you on the shoulder." He took a puff from his pipe. "I've never seen you this worried before..."

"He's my friend, of course I'll worry."


There were visitors before I could even finish cleaning the place. I sighed in frustration, a little mad from earlier.

I just asked if he was okay and he blew up... I shook my head, knowing I hadn't talked to him all afternoon. Maybe he just needed some space... I looked at the stairs that led up to my room, knowing he was in there. But it was just a simple question...

I decided to deal with it later, hoping he would come down for the banquet.

Guests were drinking and Sinbad was the first to get drunk...

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