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A/N: thank y'all for 500 reads!!

Halfway to 1k 👏

Love y'all so FUCKING much 😘😘

The picture is representing my happiness 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

Enjoy 🔥🔥

The liquid ran quickly down my throat, when I felt Zane, pinning me down on the sheets. It was too late though, I had already swallowed the whole container.
I was such a idiot, to think he wouldn't find out, that the medicine would defiantly heal me. I had tricked him, sadly I hadn't gotten away with it.I felt sweat collecting on my fore-head as he angrily spat at me.

"You tricked me, you little bitch."

"P-please, I-I ne-e-dded the med-icine." I said, taking shaky and cautious breathes.

" Well you're going to pay me, with that little favor you owe me." He smirked, bringing a hand up to my face brushing it gently, before whispering, " And you can't even try to stop it."

I was frozen in silently horror as his head moved away, & suddenly, his eyes met mine, & it happened. I was embraced by screeches,screams,&cries for help, watching as Zane murdered many victims. I was stuck there, in that moment, that horrific moment, wondering if this is how my life was going to go down. I shivered trying to forget it.

After what seemed like an infinity, Zane returned me to reality, leaving me dizzy and frightened. What had that been?His past? How would I happened upon it??

I certainly couldn't tell.

I certainly wouldn't now.

I certainly wouldn't ask.

"See why am in charge?"

I didn't look up, but I nodded. That was enough for him. He launched off the bed, heading to get a nurse.

He was in charge. He had shown me his ways. Shown me, he wouldn't hesitate to kill. It was frightening and fascinating at the same time. But why wasn't I scared? Had something changed? What was wrong with me?Was there a difference? Why did I see something different inside him.

Sierra drag me back to the cell. We were silent the whole way. I didn't even wince, when she shoved me into the cell, making my head hit the floor.

I groaned, as the reality of pain, shot through my mind.

I leaned against the wall, forgetting my pain for a minute, then drifted into sleep. I didn't dream. It was blank. Black. Almost like static from the television screen.

No peach tree.

No Zane.

I woke up, to feel a warm hand wrapping around my hand. I didn't realize I was so close to the grate. I thought it was Cameron's hand, but suddenly, the hand yanked my wrist through  the bars . I feel my head dropping lower, so I could hear the boy's voice.

" Do exactly as I want," he hissed.

Was he kidding?? Zane was already the boss of me, and now this doof?? I was not going to let another person take charge.

"I'm doing nothing," I said, struggling to release from his grip. Damn, he was strong.

I felt and all-too-familiar slice of pain on the palm of my hand. He had a pocket knife. He was deadly. How did they let him keep a knife?? How could they let him do this?? We're there any rules against it??And where the hell was Cameron?!?

I shook my head, stop struggling, and listened to the boy.

"Give me the food."

I did as told, & shoved my last roll of bred through the bars.

He snatched it, and scoffed it down.


After a long uncomfortable amount of silence, he spoke," I'm Leon, what's ur name?"
(( yes I used ur... deal with it!!))

" Doesn't matter to you,"I spat.

I felt his grip tighten on my wrist,as I let out a whimper. I was in trouble already.

" I won't," he said letting silence come between us, hey better for drama effect, eh, "Hesitate to chop your pinky off."
" Understand?"

I understood he was crazy.
His fingernails dark deep into my skin, making me scream. I could feel tears forming in the back of my eyelids.

"Answer me!!" He barked.

"Understood," I squeaked.

"& ur name?"

(Ik I did it again..don't judge 😆)


"Gwen" he repeated, & he didn't stop. Leon kept repeating my name,over,and over, to finally we fell sleep, hand-in-hand his grip,never loosened.


I awoke, feeling hazy and heavy. To my relief, Leon was gone, but my arm had cuts from where he dug his fingernails into my skin.

I shivered, remembering what had happened.


I heard footsteps, and saw Sierra pass by my cell.

" Wait," I tried, but it only made a sound whispery voice.

I knew Sierra didn't care anyway?? Because of Cameron. The girl who stood by. Who gave me my strength, when I needed it most. Who was there, holding my hand, every step of the way. Now she was gone, Leon had taken her place. Not to me though.

Not ever.

Sierra's  face came into to view, as she disapprovingly looked at me. I remembered her note, how she was sorry. Even though I don't know it was her for sure, I really believed it was her note.
So she had heard,and cared enough to come back. She took a chance on me.



"Your cellmate?" She asked, razing an eyebrow.

"Yeah," I said bluntly.


Tears strolled furiously down my face, as I tried to hid it from her. She scoffed, and left the cell. I was alone. Truly alone. Sure, maybe there were other people, but Cameron was the only one who made it easier. The suffering. Now I would suffer alone.

I banged my head against the wall sighing. This pain was unbearable. It was like realizing, for the first time ever, that I couldn't control this.

Cameron had died,& so would I.

I was defiantly bloody inspired to write this chapter ( I'm talking literally.)

Please VOTE!!! 🐾


I'll update soon ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

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