"Does His Highness need a respite?" Called Miraz from his seat.

"Five minutes?" Suggested Peter with a lack of breath.

"Three!" Countered Miraz. Adela approached Peter. "Don't tell anyone it's me. It will only worry them, understood?" She cautioned.

Peter nodded hesitantly. "I'm sorry about your leg." He apologized.

"Never mind my leg." She dismissed. "I'm okay." She turned around, and limped back to her father.

"I assume you won't let things get that close again!" Miraz said sternly to Glozelle. "And you." He turned to the Princess, still sat in her armor.

"You show one bit of hesitation, and I will know what side you are on." He threatened. Adela nodded. "I did not hesitate." She objected.

Peter smiled to the Narnians and held up his sword, causing them to cheer.

"How does he look to you?" Miraz asked about Peter.

"Young." Lord Sopespian responded.

"But His Majesty's doing extremely well.... for his age." Pointed out Glozelle as he tended to Adela's leg. Adela did not flinch when he tightened the fabric on her leg.

"Well, I'm younger." Adela stated confidently. She stood back up to fight. Peter refused his helmet from Edmund. Miraz scoffed.

"Adela, take off that helmet." He ordered.

"What?" The princess turned to him in shock.

"I said, take off that ridiculous helmet. You look like a coward." He repeated angrily.

Adela looked to Peter, then to Edmund. She sighed. Slowly, she pulled up her helmet. The crowd of Narnians gasped. Edmund's faithful smile had dropped.

Adela nervously frowned. She forced her gaze to remain on Peter, who was now sending her sorrowful looks. They slowly walked to each other. Nevertheless, Adela charged confidently towards Peter. They continued to fight as they did before, but it seemed that Adela had the lead.

Peter fell harshly back to the ground. While Adela swung at him without end, he kicked his feet, pulling her to the ground with him.
They both stood back up. Their swords collided, but Peter managed to throw hers off to the side.

Instead, she used her shield. She blocked any of his hits that came. He swung for her arm, but she raised it. This gave her the opportunity to use her hands. She punched his face. She pushed forward her shield.

Peter twisted it behind her back, pulling on her arms, but she elbowed him. When he was taken off-guard, she pushed him against a rock and retrieved her sword.

Desperate, Peter threw up his fist, and punched the wound on her leg. She wailed, and fell to the ground.

"Respite! Respite!" Shouted Miraz from where he sat.

Adela shook her head. "Peter, do it." She encouraged.

"No." He refused.

"I've had enough." Miraz grumbled. He stood from his seat, hitting Adela to the ground. She groaned.

He charged at Peter with his sword. Peter, with all his might, swung his sword to Miraz's chest. Miraculously, it went through the side of his stomach. Miraz fell to his knees.

Adela lifted her head from the ground, her eyes tearful. Peter paused.

"What's the matter, boy?" Teased Miraz. "Too cowardly to take a life."

"It's not mine to take." Peter answered. He turned around, and looked to Caspian. He held out his sword. Caspian stepped forward, and took it.

Once he did so, Peter approached Adela, and pulled her up. "You okay?" He whispered.

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