The Landing

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"Man it took long emough". You say to your self. The plane lands as everyone starts to get off you wait to be the last one off. As you were waiting, you think about your family back home. You get up and walk out of the plane, there so Much people, you leave the building "good thing I have a friend that lives here" you say to yourself. You hail a cab. As you get in you show the driver an address on your phone. "So where you from". The taxi driver asks "Sweden" you replied "I've come here for education". "You going to the university of america". He said "yeah" you replie "well we'er here". The driver says. As you exit the cab you hand him some cash. "Keep the change" you say and then walk up to an apartment building you look at your note pad document you've made on your phone. It has the instructions on it. You buzz the buzzer you were told to. "Yeah" I voice says over the speaker "uh its me (name)". You replied "cool come on up". The voice says he buzzez you in you follow the instructions that lead you up to the top floor to room 293. You knock on the door. You here faint music coming from the room. "COME IN".  You here from the the room. You open the door, the lyrics to the song are know recognizable. The lyrics read "AMERICA FUCK YEAH GONNA SAVE THE MOTHERFUCKEN DAY YEAH AMERICA FUCK YEAH". You can't help but smile, through the door is a short hallway immediately to the left is a closet, you take of your shoes and your jacket (if you were wearing any). At the end of the hall to the left is a kitchen there is a marbel table for 4. At the end of the hall straight is a living room , at the end of the hall to the left is another hall to the left is a bathroom and to the right is a bedroom, you open the door to the bedroom this is were you figured the noise is coming from. There was a king sized bed at the foot of the bed to the left was a desktop computer with someone at the desk. He pauses the music and turns the chair towards you its Mathew your childhood friend and hero, he saved you from all the bully's back at home. He gets up and hugs you "its nice to see you again (name)". (I bet you thought it was America, nope) "nice to see you to Mathew".

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