And she was still going to get her assed kicked when she got home, hero or not.


Almost two hours later, and Kara was finally on her way to work. The Police had taken her statement and the paramedics had taken care of the scrap on her face and chin. The mother of the little boy, Joanne, had kindly borrowed her phone so she could call Winn and let him know why she was late.

CatCo was just around the corner and she sighed in relief. She was still sore from the day before and now with her little adventure, she was starting to get stiff. She was going to lock herself in her tiny office and she wouldn't leave until she had to clock out. Nope.

Kara pulled her coat closer again. It was cold, wasn't it? Her poor coat was ruined from the asphalt. The woman had offered to pay for it and the phone, but Kara had declined with a smile and that was the end of that.

Straightening her glasses, which had miraculously survived the whole thing in one piece, Kara noticed a couple arguing in the middle of the park she was crossing. She watched in dismay as the man slapped the woman hard across the face. The woman fell to her knees, holding one hand to her face, where she'd been hit, and raising her arm to protect herself.

Several passersby slowed down to see what was happening, but no one intervened.

"What the—" Kara stormed to the arguing couple. "Hey! Stop that!" Kara looked around, furious. "Are you all just going to stand there and do nothing?" No one moved, too stunned at her outburst. Her lips thinned in anger. What was wrong with these people? "Someone call the cops! Now!"

Kara stomped to the couple, grabbing the man's arm as he was about to hit her again. The stench of alcohol was nauseating, and she almost stepped back just to get away from it.

"Let go of me, bitch!" He growled, trying to free himself from the vice-like grip Kara had on his arm.

She may be powerless, but she was still stronger than most. "Who are you calling a bitch, mister? Rude." She shoved him away from her, making him trip and fall. "I really don't like rude people."

Kara knelt by the shaking woman, noticing she already had a bruise on her cheek. "Hey, are you all right? We're calling the Police, ok? He won't bother you again."

The woman looked up, her eyes widening in fear. Kara looked over her shoulder, only to see a fist about to connect with her face. Kara raised her arm and parried the fist. In one fluid motion, Kara rose, and her closed fist connected with his jaw. The man dropped like a rock, unconscious.

Kara grimaced in pain, holding her hand against her chest to try and stop the pain. Why didn't Alex cringe in pain when she did that? Rao, that really hurt.

"Has anyone called the cops yet?" She growled at the small crowd watching them. Several people hurried to use their phones. Kara frowned. "What's wrong with you people?"

No one answered, just staring at her as if she was an alien.


It was past noon when she made it to CatCo, finally. Right now, she was ready to go home, take a hot shower and just spend the rest of the day on her couch.

The office was usually empty around this time. Even Winn was gone for lunch, and that was a good thing. She needed a moment to herself. Dropping heavily on the couch in her wife's office, Kara closed her eyes. She felt tired and sore and stiff, and there was an ache in her bones that she was no longer a stranger to; she was getting sick, just her luck.

Cradling her bruised hand on her chest, she finally allowed herself to let go for a bit. She couldn't fall asleep, no. It wouldn't look good if she was found lounging in the boss' office, even if the said boss was her wife, but she just needed a moment of silence.

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