Kara nodded, putting her bag down. "I am. I'm Kara Danvers, from CatCo. I do all her interviews."

The girl kept staring at her. "Are you going to call her?"

Kara shook her head, looking around the tree, trying to find a good place to climb. "Nope, she's out of town. What's your cat's name?"

"Snow. She won't scratch you. She's very gentle."

"That's good to know." Finding some foothold, Kara adjusted her glasses and climbed up the tree, grunting with the effort. "This is horrible..." She grumbled under her breath. "And people do this for fun? Humans are freaking weird..."

Getting herself up on the tree, Kara sat on the trunk and reached for the cat, cooing at the animal. Snow meowed at her and sniffed her fingers. Deciding that she smelled nice, the cat stretched lazily and sauntered to her, nestling on her lap before deciding and it was time for a bath. Kara chuckled.

"It likes you! You really are Supergirl's friend!" The girl jumped up and down excitedly.

Kara grinned and let herself down, with Snow secure in her arms. At least someone was happy with her today. "There you go." Kara gave her back Snow. "What's your name?"

"Alex!" The girl finally smiled up at her.

"Hey, that's my sister's name!" Kara grinned at her. "I'll make sure to have Supergirl stop by when she's back in town, to make sure Snow is behaving, ok?"

Alex's eyes shone with excitement. "Really? You can do that?"

Kara nodded. "Yes, I can. We're friends." Winking at the little redhead, Kara stroke Snow's head. "Behave, Snow. No more climbing trees. Bye, Alex."

"Bye, Kara!" Alex waved at her and ran inside.

Kara smiled and went on her way, wondering if she should text her wife, to at least wish her good morning. Staring at the phone in her hand, the Kryptonian gave up and put it back in her pocket. She was probably in a meeting at LCorp since she had left so early.

Her good humor gone, she kept on walking.


Kara stopped by the traffic lights and adjusted her scarf and coat. Was it just her or was it getting colder? She hoped it was getting colder. If she got sick, she would have Lena and Alex on her case, and she couldn't fly to Midvale to hide from them at Eliza's. At least all Eliza did when she was sick was to give her the third degree while making chicken soup and potstickers. Then she would order her on the couch with a cup of hot lemon tea with honey and a warm blanket and would keep her company until she fell asleep with her head on her lap.

Hearing a soft groan from her side, Kara looked down to see an elderly lady picking up her grocery bags from the ground, clearly making an effort to carry them.

"Hi, there!" Kara smiled brightly at the elderly.

The woman looked up and smiled in reflex. "Can I help you?"

Kara grinned. "Actually, that's what I was going to ask you. Can I help you carry your bags?"

The woman blinked at her. "Oh... Well, no, no, but thank you. I don't want to be a bother."

"Oh, it's no bother at all!" Kara answered quickly, noticing that the sign just turned green. "Please, allow me."

The woman hesitated but finally relented and Kara happily took two of the bags from her. Gosh, that's heavy. How does she carry that all by herself? "Here." Kara presented her arm and smiled again. "I'm Kara, by the way."

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