there are frogs on my $600 pants

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Izuku ran as fast as he could to UA, the most prestigious hero school in Japan, and possibly the world. He was accepted to this school 3 years ago on a whim, because his judges were inspired by his simping ass saving Uraraka. She wasn't even grateful, she just hooked up with Iida. Fucker stole his girl, can't have shit in UA. Things haven't gotten better, and nobody gives a shit about him. Due to that incident, he has been extremely depressed and anxious. One of the other main reasons for this is that nobody knows what his Quirk is yet. All evidence points to the possibility he has one, but no abnormal activities have occurred near him. The only strange thing about him is that since he was 4, he barely ever got hurt, but people mostly dismiss this as a coincidence, since he has gotten major injuries many times. But that's enough backstory. Let's get this ball of dung rolling and/or crashing into the ground with the utmost force.

PLEASE KILL ME (Or How I Learned to Stop Caring and Make Dekubowl)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя