I looked up at Damian. "Will you hold my phone?"

"I got you, girl." He said and took it.

My music played through the arena and I headed down to the ring.

After a 20-minute grueling ladder match, interference by some weirdo in a mask and Shotzi, and one pissed off Candace later, my hand was raised. And still NXT Women's Champion...me.

I headed to the back and took my post-match photos then to the trainer's room to get ice for my arm that was throbbing. I had run, shoulder first, into a ladder that had been set up in the corner of the ring by Candace. There was already a bruise former over my shoulder.

"Hey," Damian was leaning against the wall by the trainer's room. "I figured you'd be here in a second."

"Yeah, my arm is killing me," I said.

"You break it?" He asked, eyebrows raised. Only in wrestling is that a normal question to ask someone.

"Nah, just bruised."

"Ah, yeah nothing about that match looked painless." He stretched his arm out to me, offering me my phone. "You have a few texts."

I took the phone and thanked him before ducking into the trainer's room. The athletic trainer wrapped my shoulder in ice once he verified that my arm was definitely not broken or further injured. I laid back on the table and checked my texts once he was done fussing over me.

My few texts were all from Bobby.

Bobby: That looked like it hurt.

Obviously, whatever he was talking about had hurt. It was a freaking ladder match. They hurt.

Bobby: Your shoulder is going to be bruised.

Again, obviously.

Bobby: Are you okay? Oh and Congrats on winning.

Bobby: I'm going to ask until you answer me. You okay?

I hadn't talked to him since the hospital. He hadn't been around the PC so it had been easy to avoid him. He had texted me once he was released from the emergency room to tell me he was allowed to return to action next week, but the UE wasn't scheduled to return until November. 18th. That just told me that I had nearly an entire month to continue avoiding him.

Another text came in.

Bobby: Seriously, I have nothing else to do but blow up your phone.

I locked the phone. If he thought that I couldn't just block his number he was very wrong. I jumped off the trainer's table and headed to the locker room to change. I was midway there when another text came in.

Adam: For the love of god text Bobby back he's driving me fucking insane.

I rolled my eyes and continued on my way to the locker room. I changed and threw my hair up in a bun. I wanted nothing more to go home. But, my stomach was in knots now because of Bobby...and moreover Adam confirming that Bobby wasn't just being a pain in the ass, but was probably actually worried about me.

That doesn't take back what happened at the hospital. That doesn't take back anything that has happened between us that Bobby seems content on denying. I grabbed my phone anyway to text Adam back.

Me: Why are you with him anyway? Just go home.

Adam: He's at MY house.

Me: Kick him out.

Adam: He's one of my best friends. I'm not kicking him out. He's worried about you.

Me: Then tell him I'm fine. I am.

Adam: Just text him that.

Me: I have no reason to talk to him.

Adam: Savvy. You're being ridiculous.

I scoffed out loud. He knew nothing about this. Well, Bobby had probably told him, at least, some of it. There just isn't any way Adam knew how it felt to be so close to what I've wanted for a year and a half just for it to be ripped away while being insulted.

Me: No, I'm not. He is.

Adam: Just let him know you're still alive.

I was tired of arguing with him. My heart ached more with each text. Before I could set my phone down another text came in.

Bobby: You can hate me if you want. But I still want to know if you're okay.

Tears threatened to spill down my cheeks. That was the thing, wasn't it? Even after everything, I don't hate him. Just the opposite. Before I could talk myself out of it I typed a message back.

Me: I don't hate you. I am fine. My shoulder is bruised. But I'm fine. Stop worrying. You don't get to do that.

His answer was immediate.

Bobby: Why can't I? We are friends, right?

At that moment, I wished that he was in front of me so I could punch him in the face. I tried being friends. He has done nothing but pushed me away.

Me: It's complicated. 

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