The flaws of Perfection

Start from the beginning

A curriculum so severe, so intense that information regarding the education and training these students experienced were isolated from the other generations.

The poor students, so very unfortunate, out of all the years they could've been born, they were born in this generation, No, if only they weren't sent here, maybe adopted by another family, they might be having the time of their lives, growing up in a normal environment, go to a normal school, maybe fall in love, get a job, have a family, and grow old. To most people, this was seen a normal outcome to life, some might even see it as boring. But to these kids, that kind of life was like heaven to them.

Instead of heaven, they were sent straight to hell. Even to those who aren't religious, you can't describe this situation as anything but hell. These children in their very short lives has experienced more suffering than most people in their entire lives, and it was never their fault, it was just bad luck. Out of all the babies that could've been chosen, they were just the unlucky few.

The students don't believe in a god, Even the kids who believed in a god when they were little, all started to lose that belief. Why? It was because they didn't want to believe in one, because if there truly was a god, then the gods have forsaken them.

Death after death. The once 60 students strong, rapidly decreased.
Their causalities in their first few years weren't that eye-popping. But when their ages reached 9 years, the intensity of their training drastically increased, and with that, so did the failures. It was a race against time, but not in a good way. It was a race to see which broke down first, will the body fail first? Or the mind? Sometimes it even happens in succession.

Heart failure, exhaustion, respiratory failure, deterioration of the brain, insanity, it looked like a scene straight out of hell. Lives lost forever, with their souls experiencing nothing but suffering up until their final breath.

Their final wish was only to never set foot in this place again as they happily accepted the loving embrace of death.


"I can't watch this..."

"So cruel... So cruel"

"This is too much for me..."

The students were once again shaking, they were terrified, disgusted, angry, and more. This isn't their first time seeing such a scene, but this was by far the most intense. The sight of the children seemingly smiling when they breathe their last, it sent chills to their very souls.

Most of the girls have their eyes shut, with thier hands covering their ears as to not hear the voices of anguish they were hearing. They had tears in their eyes, that scene could quite possibly traumatize them. Especially the happy faces of the children when they ceased to live, those smiles could give anyone nightmares.

Ichinose and some other students started hyperventilating, their poor minds can't take it anymore.

J took action, he filled the room with a calming scent, when the students inhaled, they started calming down. They were given refreshments as well.  J gave the teachers beer to calm their nerves, he considered giving the students as well, but he remembered that it was illegal in their world.

"I'll give you half an hour to relax, I understand that it was very unpleasant to watch, but please bare with it. I promise all of you won't leave this room with some form of trauma, so don't worry. Hey! That teacher over there! Stop chugging all of the booze!"

After 30 minutes of calming down and trying to stop Hoshinomiya-sensei from further intoxicating herself. They continued watching

There were 33 students who reached the age of nine. The students who reached the age of 10... only two students remained.

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