chapter five

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                               Sam pov

I looked her straight in the eye. I think I might look creepy but whatever. " Um what is it?" She asked. " I- um- I know this is kinda sudden because you just broke up with that asshole and-" she cut me off. " Sam your rambling" she says with a giggle. God shes adorable. " Heh sorry, um what I'm trying to say is, that I like you and I have for a while," she just stared at me, " and I know you just got out of a relationship but I needed to tell you this and I'll wait however long just to be with you" I told her. She isn't saying anything...what do I do? I started to freak out. " Hahaha omg Sam" she laughs. She laughing? Wait why is she laughing? Does she not feel the same way? "Um?" I said. " Omg Haha I feel the same way Sam" she says in between laughs. " Wait seriously? Really?" I ask. "Yeah I've liked you for a while now but never got the chance to tell you because I was dating Jack" she tells me. That made me so happy that she feels the same way. " Yesss, but I'm ready to start something when your ready, okay?" I told her. " Okay Sam" she gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks away. I was shocked, first she feels the same way about me and then she gives me a kiss on the cheek.

                    Y/n pov
I got to my room and closed the door and freaked out. Omg why did I just do that, I get that he likes me back but I just got out of a relationship with Jack. This is too soon. And I need a break from dating. I decided to stream because I haven't in a while and I needed something to distract me from my thoughts. So I set up my computer and my streaming stuff. Alright here we go. I click the 'go live' button. Within a few. Minutes I had 10,000 viewers. " Heyyy what's up chat, how you guys doing?"I ask my viewers. " Haha alright guys, so today we will be just chatting and doing a q&a because I haven't streamed in a week so" I tell my chat. " If you want to send me a question you can donate or put one in the chat because I'll be looking in there too" I tell them. The first dono I got was 'hows life going for you?',
"Well if I'm going to be honest, it's okay and not at the same time y'know I'm what I'm saying" I answered the question honestly well kinda. Life was good but also not because I just broke with Jack yesterday, but on the bright side I know Sam likes me back so it's a 50/50 right now. Another donation came in saying 'hows your boyfriend, If you don't mind me asking'. That one made me laugh because with Jack in my life I feel so much better because, one I can like who I want now, second being that I'm not with Jack. " Funny you asked because we're not together anymore, now this doesn't mean that he broke up with me, chat okay? This is all I'm going to say on the matter" I stated. "Um another question...?" I said looking through the chat. " Oh here's one, ' do you think that you'll get into the dream smp?' umm I don't know chat, we'll just have to see" I said evilly. Hehehe little did chat now I was already on the smp but I just hadn't told them yet. I started to answer another dono when my door started to open. " Um hold on chat" I said into my mic. I turn around and see Sam looking at me. " Um yes?" I ask him. " Oh shit are you streaming?" He asks. " Uh yeah,why?" I question. " Because I was wondering if you wanted something to eat because I'm going t order something" he says to me. " Um yeah i don't care what it is though" I told him turing back around. " Okay ima order chic'f'la" he says.(Idk how to spell it)
He turns around and walks out of my room closing the door behind him. "Okay chat I'm back" I said to my viewers. I saw a whole lot of questions asking who was that or what was happening. " Oh someone just came into my room to ask if I wanted anything to eat because they are odering food" I said.

About two hours later I was done with streaming. I felt exhausted after streaming. It was currently around 10 at night and Sam was time at my house. I mean I didn't have a problem with it though. I get up from my PC to go find Sam. I see him laying on the couch watching something on the TV. I walk up to him and flop down on top of him. " Hehe you tired?" He asked. " Mhm" that's all I said to him. " Can you cuddle me please" that's all I asked him. " Hehe of course" he said. I got off of him so he could get comfortable and when he was done he held out his arms to me. I gladly cuddled right back up to him because I was tired. Neither of us thought it was weird because we are best friends and we've done it before whenever either of us had bad days.

                        Sam pov
Y/n and I were currently cuddled up on the couch watching whatever was in tv. I soon heard little snores coming from her. Man she must of been tried to past out that quickly. I giggled softly at the cute girl in front of me. Damn I can't wait until you mine. I soon fell asleep after that. It was nice to fall asleep in y/and arms and her in mine.

                        Morning time
                               Y/n pov
I woke up to me alone on the couch. Hmm weird I swear I remembered falling asleep with Sam last night. All of the sudden I heard glass break in the kitchen.

A/n: Hello beautiful people, I'm super happy you guys are enjoying my story. I'm also happy that you guys are "loving" the cliffhangers too. Hehehe, anyway this was my longest chapter yet so yay. But enjoy :)

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