2 - memories

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Megumi woke up. It was warm. 

He was wrapped in Gojo's arms, nestled against his body. They were in Megumi's bed, covered in a pink blanket. 

Gojo smelled good. He always smelled good. What was his scent called? He knew Gojo used perfume, or maybe it was called cologne. He'll ask have to ask Gojo about it later. If Gojo decides to tell him, that is. 

Megumi tried to escape Gojo's arms and get up but he just pulled him back down again. "I didn't say you could get up yet, did I Megumi?"

"No." Megumi rests his head against Gojo's shoulder. They were lying right beside each other, chest to chest, on their side. 

Megumi felt pangs of pain along his neck and inner thighs, where Gojo left bruises and bite marks. His nipples were throbbing from being pinched so much the night before. 

Megumi's head ached too. He felt dizzy from being so warm and having to breathe in Gojo's scent. Despite smelling good it was overpowering. 

"I don't have anything to do today, so we can spend all day together. Isn't that great Megumi?" Gojo said. 

"Yeah." Megumi agreed. But inside he felt a sense of dread and fear. Maybe today's the day he'll kill me, Megumi thought. He'll kill me in the morning, then hide my body in the afternoon. Would he even need to hide my body if no one even knows I exist? 

Megumi closed his eyes. Wait that was wrong. Someone out there knows I exist. Those two people, besides Gojo. They know. Unless they don't remember me. 

Please remember me, Megumi silently pleaded to himself. 

In a few days Megumi's 15th birthday will come. So it's been about 7 years since he last saw them. 7 years since he had freedom. He had too much freedom back then, but at least he had it. Now he has nothing. 

The blanket covering him, his room, his clothes, the makeup that got smudged off his face last night during his play sessions with Gojo. He doesn't own any of it. All of it belongs to Gojo. Megumi belongs to Gojo. Everything belongs to Gojo. 

Maybe even before he was sold, he belonged to Gojo. 'You were made exactly the way I wanted you to be,' Gojo had said back then. 'Even before you were born, you were made for me.'


Gojo was making breakfast. He didn't usually cook, but Gojo had told Megumi he wanted to spoil him today. 

"Oh wait, you need to lose 5 pounds right? No food for you then. More for me~" He hummed a melody to himself as he fried some eggs. 

Megumi sat at the kitchen table watching him cook from behind. Megumi was wearing a light blue princess dress that exposed most of his arm and collarbone, with white laced socks and a white bow in his hair. He also wasn't wearing any underwear, and had a butt plug with a fox tail shoved up his ass. Gojo liked it that way, so he could take Megumi at any time. 

"Gojo...." Megumi began. "Are you going to kill me? I want to die."

Gojo stilled. He sat his spatula down and made his way over to Megumi. He leaned down.

"Of course not Megumi, you're so silly." He squished Megumi's cheeks. "Didn't I tell you, you're the only one I have? And I'm the only one you have."

Then Megumi recalled something. A distant memory. A silhouette of two people appeared in his mind. "But don't I have those two? The people I was with, before I came here."

Then Megumi realized he was an idiot. But he realized it too late. 

"Oya, do you plan on running away? Escaping this house while I'm not here and running off to them." Gojo towered over Megumi. Megumi was tiny, his skinny self sitting in a chair looking up at Gojo who was 6'3 and had a strong, muscular body. It wouldn't take a lot for Gojo to break Megumi. Hell anyone could probably break Megumi, his body strength was basically non-existent.

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